Criminalization of clients of sex workers to be rejected by French Commission on Human Rights

May 23, 2014
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Criminalization of clients of sex workers to be rejected by French Commission on Human Rights

The bill for “the fight against the prostitution system”, adopted at first reading in France’s National Assembly, is currently being studied in the Senate. But a national advisory commission on human rights is preparing to take a negative position on the criminalization of clients of prostitutes

The criminalization of clients of sex workers to be rejected by French Commission on Human Rights

The government’s stance has been disavowed by the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH). The institution has in fact addressed this law championed by Najat Belkacem-Vallaud , which seeks to punish “the purchase of sexual acts.” According to our information, confirmed Friday by the NCCHR, Monday it will render a negative opinion on the law.

After heated debate, the law for “the struggle against the system of prostitution” was finally adopted by the National Assembly on December 4 . The CNCDH, responsible for informing the action of the government or Parliament in the field of human rights, took jurisdiction on the question. It interviewed many participants in the field (LDH, Médecin du monde /Doctor of the World, AIDES …) “in order to collect different positions on this issue.” And finally it has finished by rejecting a part of the law.

Against the criminalization of clients

Its opinion, which will be released Monday, outlines a three-point position of the committee:

> Stressing the legal aspect of  “prostitution by choice,” it is against the criminalization of clients .

> Calling for greater access to legal prostitutes.

> For the victims of trafficking and exploitation, the strengthening of the penal system and support.

If this vote has collected a clear majority, the positions of the members of the commission have not been unanimous. 20 Members are indeed expressed against this text, 16 for, and 4 abstaining. “Usually votes on opinions are much less tight,” says a member of the NCCHR.

The review remains advisory, however, and the senators as members may or may not take it into account. “Our voice carries weight, we often heard,” said the commission. The various associations do not fail to remind legislators. 

Meanwhile, the law will likely not be discussed at the Palais du Luxembourg until September or October.

Source (translation by Michael Whiteacre with the help of Google)

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Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
10 years ago

Why do I suspect that this law will never be enacted? Could it be because, after the political circus moves on, those who vote for it will catch the incoming when it fails as it has everywhere else and results in a variety of horrific crimes, accidents and abuses?

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