I’ve actually had this for a couple months, I sat on it in the hopes that Christopher Tucker would just move on..But nope, instead of leaving things alone he’s managed to become a blogger on a low trafficked hate site run but another stalker. He’s attacking porn stars publicly while still trying to buy customs. His M/O hasn’t changed much, pay for the custom, then when he takes delivery, he finds a reason to complain about the content and cancels the payment. When the girl speaks out, he uses his new blogging forum to attack the girls personally.
Below is a story someone sent me about Christopher Tucker, I’ve taken out some identifiers to keep her name off the hate site Christopher Tucker writes for. If Mr. Tucker still writes about her then he’s just admitting its true.
States, dates, and other little things have been removed…..
I received a birthday card, postmarked Baltimore, MD… it had been forwarded to my current residence at that time, by the post office, because it was mailed to my previous address. The writing on the envelope, looked like it was written by a “child”. When I opened the card, confetti came out, and the inside read “Aren’t you getting too old to be a whore?”
Around that same period of time, I received a phone call from my mother, asking me if I knew anyone who lived in Maryland. I asked her why she was asking me that question. She told me that she had received a rather disturbing letter, mailed to her address in XXXXXXX, complete with scanned photographs. I never saw the letter, and my mother never told me the exact details were, in regards to what was written. He upset my mother tremendously, and it pretty much nailed the coffin, in an already problematic relationship I had with my mom.
At that time, I had difficulty believing 100% that this dude was the person who sent those items to myself and my mother. I already knew that he was “slow” in the head (as it had been told to me) But after reading what you had posted, in regards to other women in the industry, I’m more certain that it’s him.
Any girl this does business with this guy is taking a huge risk, he’s scammed countless girls out of money, attacked them publicly, wished rape or death on them, and has had restraining order taking out him that kept him from Camming-Con. Beware
This sick fuck needs to be in jail
Disgusting POS
1. I don’t live in Baltimore dumbass.
2. I don’t write letters.
3. I have a life, I don’t obsess over people.
Another one of your lies. You really wan to be sued.
Only idiots and your loyal followers would believe this garbage.
Typical misogynistic male. Objectivifys women then attacks them when he doesn’t get his way
Ableist article. Only going to attract your fan club, oops you don’t have one only the gullible industry. Calling my site a hate site when you post lies and hate against the disabled.
He tried to rip me off too. I sent you an email
It must be tough to jack off on SSI.
At least they don’t automatically take sides with lying bitches. They are fair and balanced.
LMAO!! Donny’s websites fair and balanced? Who would of guessed
At least we don’t spend our time harassing stalking bullying lying speading ableism and hate toward the disabled and threatening people like the loser Sean.
Yea, instead y’all call black people Monekys and N***ERs.. Which is odd since you appear to be black..LOL
“You appear to be black”?? From a cartoon, you old fart?
You target fans, performers and disabled people by spreading lies and BS about them and using ableist language.
and you actually promote a site that attacks black people
YOU do that here, hypocrite.
You just mad because I told the truth about you and your crews harassment and stalking of me on Twitter and the lying bitches that started it.
Why is this thief not in jail? He’s the guy who winds up raping and killing his favorite pornstar when she rejects him. Sad man
Because NO ONE ever impersonates on the internet, “genius”??
Who do people always believe lying bitches and their pawns? This is how Trump got elected.
You want to insult President Donald John Trump? I cannot wait for him to put people like you in special camps. Maybe he will have the retards build the wall.
Sicko!! Stealing from sex workers
Dumbass! Believing this pawn and his lies.
The Trump Train is coming for you Christopher P. Tucker! It’s going to run your retarded ass right over. Choo Choo!
He’s twisted thinking he can steal from cam girls or pornstars. Thank you for exposing him
“Exposing him” how? Over Twitter posts?? 4th grade retard?
More pawns defending your lies and BS.
Hope somebody snaps from your harassment and takes you out. You need that lesson.
Gee, I wonder who you are..lol
You deserve it, you lying sack of shit.
I’ll happen sooner or later and all your victims will celebrate.
You are the lowest of the low, framing a disabled person. Hope he sues the fuck out of you.
Pieces of shit like you should be exterminated.
I will keep exposing your lies and BS.
You are a disgusting POS picking on disabled people. Hope you get what you deserve.
You crack me up, C Tucker…How many different log ins do you have? You know Aqua man could kick your ass right?
Christopher Tucker ordered a custom from me 2 months ago. We went back and forth and after it was completed I sent it to him. About 18 days later I was notified of a chargeback done by Christopher. I emailed him asking why and never heard back from him. Last week after reading stories of other girls getting ripped off I decided to file a criminal complaint here in Vegas for theft of services. I was told they would contact his local police dept as well.
Reporting to the police that you got your money back isn’t a crime weirdo. Also, YOU cannot report anything for a porn person. So your “story” is a complete lie. Feel better retard?
More made up stories.
Christopher, you’ve really went off the deep end. The people you are associating yourself with now are just using you and unfortunately you are either too stupid or naive to realize it. They will turn on you in a minute. Trust me. My advise for you now would be don’t walk away mad, just walk away. As someone else tried to tell you in these comments sections in another story. Right now the best thing for you would just be to let things be. But you couldn’t. I really don’t see this situation ending well for you Chris. You should… Read more »
These women also have to admit I did nothing to them and the restraining orders are under false pretenses.
I already paid everybody back. These people are just lying to get free money.
Hey retard, How can they get “free money”? LOL thief
Name the “made up crime” asshole?
If they don’t like me exposing their lying, too fucking bad. They are not getting shit from me.
It’s only going to go badly for them if I keep exposing their lies. I’m not leaving so their lies will be unchallenged.
If any broads would like to send someone custom videos w/ no expectation of compensation, and said videos involve Sharpies & bungholes, please get in touch w/ TRPWL for my contact info.
At least I am an honest pervert, unlike Tardy Tardstien over there.
By taking advantage of your lies and making shit up. Liar. Slanderer. Walking lawsuit
It’s kind of scary how easily these things can be abused. A woman who obtains a restraining order(basically, on her word alone) can easily use that restraining order to target innocent men who would then have to worry about a restraining order looming over their head(which would effect them personally/emotionally, because it certainly wouldn’t feel good to be perceived this way, and socially, because it would be something that malign/disparage them) and also have to worry about potential legal repercussions everywhere they go. Every time they leave the house, they would essentially leave with the knowledge that they run the… Read more »
Typical liberal, none of this is your fault. It’s everyone else. You make me sick
As opposed believing everything that your gods Tompkins and Trump say and brushing off, censoring and ignoring the truth.
Typical reaction when the truth is told.
Chris why ask me for advice, say that’s what you’ll do and just do the opposite? (rhetorical) When we spoke last night you agreed to walk away. That’s the only way this goes well for you. Remember? Griffin’s comment almost mirror the words I spoke to you. You keep demanding respect but you will not do what it takes to earn any. I never used you or turned on you. I never sugarcoated anything either and I won’t start now. You spoke on how you wished it wasn’t like this. I will just add to my response from last night.… Read more »
Are you a “someone” or a total nobody loser?
I will walk away when my enemies walk away (they won’t). It’s amazing how the industry turned on a long supporting fan that gave nothing but support over some lies and BS. Like Tommy Sotomayor, I have been harassed and stalked just for defending myself from these psychos who stalk my Twitter and social media accounts. These people were even on Reddit stalking and harassing me for stating my opinion and side of the story.
This tard is the best one we’ve had here in a long time, spewing mental illness at a tremendous rate.
I for one am glad he’s only ripping off performers for custom videos. If he was a lil bit less socially inept, his crawl space would be bursting with abused corpses.
Think keeping repeating things is going to make them true. Act like women don’t put restraining orders on men for petty reasons a moderate percentage of the time.
I actually know Chris in real life. He would never do this. You have no excuse for harassing and stalking him. He and all of you should drop this and leave each other alone. There is no proof except he say and she say. You are very biased and believed what these girls said about him hook line and sinker. These girls just want money and they lie. He has autism and does not have control of his emotions sometimes. He’s not every good at social skills so stop being ableist toward him.
LOL yea, a bunch of girls who didn’t know each other woke up one day and said, hey, lets find a retard, make up stories about him, so we can collect back the money he stole from us…
YOU do this here ever other week day…
You actually believe a long time porn fan is going to just steal from the girls he supports and talked to every day for no rhyme or reason. It shows you didn’t do your research. Oh he’s black, everybody knows all blacks steal. That makes it ok to frame him for something he didn’t do. If I was white you would believe that I was a victim of a crime.
LOL It doesn’t matter what color you are, a lying thief is a lying thief
Prove it, brainless?