Did James Deen Sell Out The Adult Industry?

It wasn’t to long ago that James Deen was the guy at APAC. The porn poster boy, the cross over voice, the guy who was supposed to lead the adult industry in the field of battle against AHF.

Keep in mind I never thought these things, to me, James was nothing more then an abusive asshole who if it wasn’t for porn might be able to land a roll as an Umpa Lumpa in an off Broadway play. Since day 1, Deen has done nothing but backdoor the FSC and the powers that be in the fight against condoms. James wanted to be THE GUY,  but his ego refused to allow FSC to have complete control over the condom fight. James organized things behind FSC back, kept certain people away from events and did several things in direct conflict with the end game. All of this could and has been overlooked by most. Some tie into the “I hate FSC” argument while others think Deen could actually help performers.  When I asked one girl what Deen had done to help performers she replied, “he made a sex tape with a tv star”

James Deen cares about James Deen..

So, James is anti OSHA, anti AHF up until the time he’s accused of rape and domestic violence..News begins circulating that OHSA is gonna start looking more closely at Deen, all the sudden Mr. Anti-AHF guy starts booking condom scenes..Weird huh? OSHA puts you in the cross-hairs and the boy leader of porn all the sudden is all about the condom..

I have a question for James. Did you resign from APAC because of the abuse scandal? Or was it because you’d have a hard time explaining to the world your sudden flip flop on rubbers?

Yesterday, I was on the phone with my baby mama Shy Love..I brought up Mr. Marcus, the guy everyone talks bad about..I told her when everyone turned their backs on him, he refused to play AHFs game and take the money. He stood strong and took his beatdown like a man..That’s a guy who should be respected..Not James Deen

James Deen leads fight against AHF. News at 11

James Deen sucks up to OSHA, starts booking condom shoots, News on TRPWL

I heard James had a good day on set yesterday 🙂 Like a porn crimestoppers…


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  • When I started getting more and more calls from women to our hotline that they had done porn, and were HIV positive, I became concerned. I'd always felt that AIM had been targeted for sabotage to be shut down the way it was. It wasn't just the bribe setup by them someone hacking into the files and leaking them - it was the total nail on the coffin. Then to see the connection with AHF - not a doubt in my mind. I had contacted James asking if we could (1) coordinate on some kind of protest against AHF and the condom law they were pushing, and (2) raise awareness that when one does find they're suddenly "out of business" that our program, http://www.sexworkersanonymous.com, has been here offering support for 30 years to those finding they are having to exit for one reason or another. James then refused all fronts - he wouldn't list us on the APAC site, nor were we allowed to even present any information on SWA at the "exit" panel that was held last December. We've led very successful campaigns over the years. But he wasn't interested in any thing. There was no discussion. No requesting to speak to members or investigate our work, nothing. I've seen that kind of thing before and it's when someone is trying to cover their own ass. Since the news has come out about James - I haven't know if any of it was true or not. But I do know this - since the news has come out - we've received at least 10 women who have come to us absolutely terrified of the man. They reported they never said anything to anyone because they were worried they "wouldn't get work" if they did. Something isn't done of free will unless the exit door is clearly marked and the path out isn't being blocked. That's your "sign" there's a problem. When someone is trying to block the door out.

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