NY Democrats aim to play bedroom police

May 28, 2015
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Emma Sulkowicz graduated from Columbia College last week, lugging her mattress under one arm as she reached for her degree with the other.

NY Democrats aim to play bedroom police

Some classmates cheered Sulkowicz — the self-proclaimed poster woman for the fight against sexual assault — for carrying around the mattress on which she was allegedly raped.

Never mind that her charges against a male classmate couldn’t stick, even under Columbia’s kangaroo-court standards. New York’s Democrats are embracing Sulkowicz and her cause.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo is pushing for passage of what he calls “the toughest law in the nation” against campus sexual violence.

It would make campuses in New York a hostile environment for young men. One misstep and they could find themselves accused of “sexual assault,” denied a fair hearing, expelled and unemployable.

The law would apply at all private colleges in the state, extending regulations that Cuomo has already imposed on the state university system.

Everyone should want to prevent rape. But Cuomo’s bill criminalizes normal sexual interactions.

Bedroom police

The bill requires “affirmative consent” at each step of the way when two students have sexual contact. Amazingly, that means punishing students who fail to ask “May I unbutton your blouse?” and “May I kiss you?” and wait for the answer. On May 20, Cuomo said there has to be “clear, unambiguous and voluntary agreement” before any “specific sexual activity.”

Here’s a “sexual misconduct scenario” Yale University drafted to show students how it’s supposed to work:

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9 years ago

As a fake internet lawyer, I would say that by carrying that mattress, she is consenting to buttfucking, which would be good, cause staring at that mug during mish would probably force me into dick pills.

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