Why Pandora Blake Is Getting Caned For Charity

Feb 4, 2015
Adult Business News
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First it was face-sitting outside the Houses of Parliament – now UK performers are taking more extreme measures to call attention to the UK’s draconian new porn laws.

When regulations regarding video on demand pornography were changed on December 1st 2014, I became a criminal. Along with countless other independent UK business owners, the consensual spanking films I produce have been deemed illegal.

Before Christmas I attended a mass face-sitting protest to highlight the ridiculousness of this new legislation, which make it illegal to depict acts including fisting, female ejaculation and facesitting that restricts the airways in porn sold online. The censors claim that watching this material is dangerous for society – and yet dozens of media outlets published images of our protest, and no harm was done.

But the laws are still in place, and so I decided to literally put my arse on the line to fight the UK porn laws.


I teamed up with my friend and fellow feminist porn producer Nimue Allen, and we pledged to take a cane stroke for every £10 donated. Ten days later, our indiegogo campaign has been a runaway success. As I write this the total is £2320, with new notifications pinging in my inbox every hour – and it’s still got another two days to go.

Nimue and I are both producers and performers who make ethical fetish porn – much of which was banned when the AudioVisual Media Services regulations came into effect in December. Among the acts banned is spanking and corporal punishment that leaves marks that are more than “transient and trifling” – and now the consensual BDSM acts we enjoy – and make a living from – could land us in court.

I like to be spanked – but not like this. The pain I like is the consensual sort. I didn’t consent to these regulations – and in fact they were brought in by a statutory instrument, without any due democratic process. They weren’t debated in Parliament by our elected representatives, and UK porn producers haven’t had any say in the laws that criminalize our livelihood.

So I joined the facesitting protest, and started a petition to get the laws repealed – but as they weeks crept by we realized we were going to have to up the ante. I teamed up with Nimue to raise money for UK charity Backlash, which provides legal support defending freedom of sexual expression, and which is seeking to challenge the regressive porn laws.

We vowed that we wouldn’t take censorship lying down: we’d fight it bending over.

I set up the Indiegogo campaign, and we asked our fans to sponsor cane strokes at a cost of £10 each. Every penny raised will go to Backlash, and after the campaign ends, the caning will be filmed and released for free online. Donors can also claim a number of uniquely kinky perks, from spanking dates with me and Nimue to customized erotic stories or subscriptions to our membership sites.

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