Porn shows at Internet cafe

Apr 13, 2012
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KUWAIT CITY, April 12: A gang of four expatriate men and two women were arrested recently for operating an Internet cafe that allows its customers to watch pornographic movies online.

Acting on a tip-off, a team of securitymen put the operators of the Internet cafe under surveillance for some time. The team obtained a search and arrest warrant after ascertaining the cafe operators, whose customers are mostly youths, offer online pornographic films. The officers then raided the cafe, resulting in the arrest of the operators and some youths caught in the act of watching porno. They also confiscated 15 hard disks which contained immoral material.

During interrogation, the operators admitted to offering online pornographic films to their customers. It has also been discovered the suspects have violated the Residency Law, as their work permits are not under the name of the shop.

The suspects and the confiscated items were referred to the concerned security department.

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Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
12 years ago

Authoritarian governments demand censorship of messages they don’t like. How far is that from AHF trying to get hotels in the US to not exhibit adult movies made without condoms?

12 years ago

a new underground economy could emerge – driven by consumer demand for condom free porn. - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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