Porn stars deserve respect, not stigma

Dec 8, 2016
Porn Stars
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Pornography is pretty much Taco Bell. Minutely satisfying for minutes at most, easy to become “addicted” to and you tell only your closest friends that you genuinely enjoy it.

Regardless of personal feelings toward it, the pornography industry [reportedlybrings in billions globally, and gets 450 million visitors per month. But despite being a federally recognized and taxable industry, many performers who either currently work in it or have left it entirely face a great deal of social stigma when interacting in “polite” society.

Porn stars deserve respect, not stigma

Pornography is more or less mainstream since 70 percent of men and 30 percent of women watch it at least once a month, according to the New York Daily News. Yet the actors involved in the industry are often ostracized because of their past occupations, either through losing teaching jobs, being denied banking services or having no protections under current discrimination laws.

Read more at The Breeze

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