You Bastards ! Odd its always the conservatives that are blamed for race hating and being anti porn..But in reality its the Dems…. Even tho Santorum says porn is bad, The most popular republican of all, Rush Limbaugh wants amateur porn uploaded for him and the 23 million Rush listeners to enjoy… More conservatives are caught watching porn because we love porn… Need more proof Go look up HR 2087
This bill was sponsored by :
And actually will create a decent amount of revenue. Sounds pretty good huh? Well guess what, evil reared its ugly head on the House floor…
Yes it seems this Democrat wanted to amend the bill to keep foreigners, foreign owned companies and any business deemed adult oriented from leasing the land…No she didn’t say I don’t want, felons, rapists, marijuana farmers, or the Kardashians from leasing it..She basically said foreigners and porn people..And who basically told her to eat shyt. Republicans…It was so bad they couldn’t bring the floor to order…
So next time you label a conservative a racist porn hater, go check out Loretta Sanchez…
Wiff, how the fuck you figure? Go look at the voting history in the house/// And the Senate…Dems are the real anti porners out there..Santorum reached for something that no one else touched on. WHY, cuz he needed the press…when it comes to your party you have your head stuck int he sand
Odd, a CNN anchor drops the N-bomb and no one cares, if a FOX anchor did it, you would be tweeted shyt all day long