Revenge porn site operator Hunter Moore pleads guilty to hacking, ID theft

Feb 18, 2015
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Moore, once deemed the “most hated man on the Internet,” ran

On Wednesday, Hunter Moore, 28, the notorious founder and operator of revenge porn site pleaded guilty [PDF] to unauthorized access to a computer, aiding and abetting unauthorized access of a computer, and identity theft. The charges each carry a maximum penalty of two to five years in jail, but Moore will be sentenced at a later date.

hunter moore

Moore’s became hugely popular for posting nude and sexually explicit photos of people without their permission, and it spawned copycat revenge porn sites like Craig Brittain’s and Kevin Bollaert’s (Brittain was banned from posting any more nude photos of people without their explicit permission in a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission in January, and Bollaert was found guilty earlier this month of identity theft and extortion.) Moore’s site at one point allegedly received over 30 million page views per month and was bringing in about $10,000 in ad revenue.

Some of the photos on Moore’s site came from disgruntled lovers handing over their ex’s nude pics (hence the name “revenge porn”) but Moore also pleaded guilty to paying conspirator Charles “Gary” Evens to steal nude photos from victims, often paying Evens up to $200 per week.

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