Rod Daily Inaction Related to the Latest HIV Case?

Sep 9, 2013
Health, Safety & Testing
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Last month, Cameron Bay did the right thing. She not only immediately came forward as the adult performer who had tested positive for HIV, but also cooperated with the adult business’ PASS system to create a genealogy of 1st and 2nd generation exposures by providing a list of her sex partners. As a result, her sexual contacts were quarantined and re-tested, and it could be determined to everyone’s relief that she had not infected anyone.
Rod Daily
However, in the wake of Cameron’s announcement, her significant other, gay model Rod Daily, posted photos of several out-of-date HIV tests, and then promised to post the results of a new test online. Daily then went MIA for a week before announcing his seroconversion on Sept 3rd.

No one in the adult community was notified of Daily’s HIV status until that date (and his announcement did not constitute an official medical notification), because he elected to test at a private clinic in Arizona unaffiliated with PASS. It is believed that, to date, he has not provided a complete list of his sexual partners to doctors affiliated with PASS.

The question is, why? — and are Daily’s delay and inaction in some way related to the recent HIV case that led to a new production moratorium after being caught by PASS?
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[…] Healthcare Foundation is flying HIV-positive ex-performers/escorts Cameron Bay and Rod Daily to Sacramento to lobby for Assemblymember Isadore Hall’s newest attempt to criminalize adult […] - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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