While I dont have a law degree, im fairly certain that you can’t be under contract with 2 agencies without the approval of both agencies. And, im pretty sure changing your stage name doesn’t change your contract status, regardless of what your PR guy tells you..
Truly, like what kind of idiot tells a girl changing her stage name will somehow negate a legal contract?
Poor Jonathon, I bet he was about to make her his new GF…
yea, this one is just getting started
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Her LA Direct contract will be null & void very soon so it won’t matter. Derek will be closing down his biz and heading off to the slammer for a while. I would encourage all of his roster to be looking for a new place to call home. Nadya Nabakova -aka- Bunny Colby has already sued him and won. A number of girls are lined up to do the same. His agency license is about to get yanked. Fuck Derek!