That Time Nina Elle Lied About Society 15 Being Licensed

Oct 4, 2019
Adult Business
47 21
nina elle

I feel like I’ve spent way to much time on this. Every time I think I’m going to let it go, they do or say something stupid.

A quick TRPWL refresher, several months ago, Society 15 was purchased by performer Nina Elle. More on that later.  When Nina bought S15, they had to redo the license.

As you can clearly fucking see, the licensed expired on July 16th.   That screen cap was from a post written on 9/24.

Instead of just saying Hey, we aren’t legit yet, but we are working on it, Nina and Randy Quintana went around calling me a liar and trying to blame the girls bailing on S15 on my buddy Bosco.  News flash Nina, people bailed on S15 for multiple reasons, you’re not Kendra (and never will be), and you had no license.

Why did I write all the S15 updates? Because S15 doubled down with the lie.

Yesterday, Xbiz addressed the S15 “rumor” of not having a license.

It wasn’t a rumor, when TRPWL posted they didn’t have a license, it was FACT, they were NOT legitimate a licensed and bonded talent agency.

If you look at today’s screen grab, its pretty clear they had NO bond until yesterday, which means they WERE NOT legit.

S15 just became my new Plush…

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