The Mangina Dialogues’ Nick Scopes Talks BJs, Fear of Intimacy with Shameless Sex Podcast

Oct 30, 2020
Press Release
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Nick Scopes, co-host of the hilariously entertaining comedy podcast The Mangina Dialogues, sat for an interview this week with Amy Baldwin and April Lampert of Shameless Sex Podcast.

The comedian openly discussed his own sexual experiences and brought up topics such as difficulty in orgasming during oral sex, fear of being tied down in relationships and the joy of slowed-down intercourse.

“As you get in a relationship with girls, things progress… you find the value in taking your time and going slower,” Scopes says of his newfound interest in slow sex, trading lightning-fast quips with the co-hosts. “Stop trying to be Captain Meathead and take your time and chill… little hints I’ve had where I’m like ‘I should do this more!’”

Scopes and his podcast co-host Alprin, aka The Gregalicious, invited Baldwin and Lampert over to The Mangina Dialogues earlier this year to discuss the intricacies of human anatomy for Prostate Awareness Month on an episode entitled “That’s Not It”.

“We are big fans of Shameless Sex, and April and Amy are always welcome on the show,” said Scopes. “They bring a funny sensibility to the topic of sexuality – and our listeners are big fans too! We’ve got a mutual admiration society going on, for sure.”

To catch episodes of The Mangina Dialogues, visit TheManginaDialogues and find them on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and YouTube.

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