Thoughts Over My Morning Cardio. Vol 2 #BillyBoston #APAG #RacistShit

Jun 10, 2021
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It’s been a a good couple weeks on Twitter, lots of blocks on your Ole’ Boy TRPWL.



Remember that time Billy ‘Caverject’ Boston got mad at me for saying he was the 8th guy in a 10 man gangbang?

LOL  Dude!! For a guy who claims to be on set everyday you sure do spend a lot on time on Twitter talking to yourself.

Maybe you should run for President of APAG? My bad, they already have a President for life, Alana Evans

Hold up Kim Jong Evans, didn’t you block your ole friend TRPWL? Then text TRPWL to let him know he was blocked?

Seems like you’re the coward.

Who wants me to pick the lotto numbers? I can see into the future

Man, talk about timing. From a post I made June 7th:

I know Alana, it’s not about results, it’s about using your mouthpiece over at XBIZ to get you some press in hopes you’ll be able to fleece someone out of their hard earned cash.


I did not have sexual relations with that women.

Reminds me of the time Alana did a whole press run about someone else.. Whatever you gotta lie about to stay relevant

Being the worlds most decorated blogger doesn’t come without tremendous responsibility. Sometimes people want to break into the business and are looking for guidance:

While I can’t speak for the King family, I’d bet they be proud of Big Dicc Lazarus quest to bang white chicks. Those damn crackers have it coming

Maybe Big Dicc Lazarus should join forces with Thrillmonger, together they can hate fuck the white out of these girls. By the time they get done, these girls will be culturally appropriating corn rows and malt liquor.

All due respect to AVN, the only people buzzing about Racist Nut Axel and Lacy is, Racist Nut Axel and Lacy:

I bet Axel is proud of this.  Note the use of the Asian font

Proving once again the only racist shit porn people care about is black and white. The term “IR” is racist, but using a font called Chop Suey to type the word Asian and calling white chicks PAWG is totally cool.

But say “BBC” and fake woke people like Ginger Banks shit a Miata. The only one who can say BBC and not get cancelled for it is Big Dicc Lazarus, because he’s using his BBC to fight racism, one white chick at a time.

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Alana's great great great great grandkid
Alana's great great great great grandkid
3 years ago

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