Washington, DC Has The Most Cheaters

Feb 14, 2013
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It may be the seat of US Government and the nation’s capital city, but Washington DC is the most unfaithful place in America, according to an extra-marital affairs website.

AshleyMaddison.com – a site that married people can log on to to cheat on their partner – has declared Washington ‘America’s Least faithful city’ for the second year running.

The site looked at the number of people logging into the website in 2012 and Washington saw the highest number of people looking for an affair per capita with 34,157 of the city’s 632,000 residents registering as new members, according to the Huffington Post.

Texan cities Austin and Houston came in second and third on the website’s list respectively.

But Washington’s top spot for cheating shouldn’t come as any surprise according to the website’s founder Noel Biderman, with the city rocked last year by news that shamed CIA former boss General David Petraeus had an affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell.

He said: ‘With enormous public attention paid to political cheating scandals this year, including the General Petraeus affair, there was no doubt that Washington residents would be influenced.


‘Living in Washington, it’s crucial to keep up appearances and therefore adultery has become a way of life for many of the city’s most powerful residents.’

The website is gearing up for one of its busiest days of the year this week – February 15, the day after Valentine’s Day, usually sees a huge spike in members.

Last February 15, the number of new members increased by 439 per cent – with married women said to be driving the boom.

Further down the website’s unfaithful hotspots, Miami, Florida, and Oklahoma made up the rest of the top five.

The top ten also included Boston and Philadelphia.

But not all Americans are prolific cheaters according to the most comprehensive study of extra marital affairs in the States.

A survey by the National Science Foundation in 2010 found that less than a fifth of American men and 14 per cent of US women have had an affair.


Washington may be the most unfaithful city in America according to extra-marital affairs website AshleyMaddison.com, but what other cities husbands and wives have been up to no good?

  • Austin, Texas
  • Houston, Texas
  • Miami, Florida
  • Oklahoma, Oklahoma
  • Richmond, Virginia
  • Boston, Massachusetts
  • Lincoln, Nebraska
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Phoenix, Arizona


Also Read Washington D.C.: Where People Watch Twice As Much Online Porn As The Rest Of The Country

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