Who Needs The Truth When You’re Mike South?

I’m pretty sure this will come as a surprise to some, but gossip blogger Mike South lies.

I’m not talking about catching a 2 pound fish and saying it was 4, or banging a BBW you met at the Piggly Wiggly and saying she’s a Penthouse Pet…. I’m talking about completely making up stories.

South’s latest bullshit story arrived last week, when out of the blue he decided that Gregg Dodson and registered sex offender Shaun Patrick Reilly are the same person. Keep in mind, Mike South knows Gregg; Gregg fired him from a strip club a few years ago then helped him move. When South went to press he knew he was lying.

After South lied, Dodson hired industry attorney Karen Tynan who sent Mike South a cease and desist to the email account listed in South’s twitter header. In South’s latest attack on Dodson, he claims to have never received the letter, which we all know is bullshit. However, the great thing about South being an idiot is he’s speeding up the legal process.

South’s latest hit piece about Dodson ran on his site last night. In it South claims “One girl who has been to that address said if that isn’t Gregg it is his twin brother.”


Unless she’s talking twins as in Danny Devito and Arnold Schwarzenegger, I think the “girl” might want to get her eyes checked.

I’ve known Gregg for 3 years, and talk to him on the phone fairly regularly, but I only met him in person at least year’s AEE. Hanging in front of his booth, we talked for about 20 mins on two different occasions, and I would never get him and Reilly confused.

Who needs the truth when you’re Mike South?


Next, as if he just discovered the missing piece to his big blocks set, South states,

Finally it all came together when I got a call from someone who could identify them BOTH. and now it makes some degree of sense.  The caller told me that the guy in the photo had been introduced to him by a different name but that he was WITH Gregg and Gregg introduced him as a business associate or partner.

So Mike South has friends who hang out with Sex Offenders?  Is Mike South saying he got a call from some random person who just happened to have his phone number? Did Mike South just go to press with a story based on some anonymous caller?  LOL

One of the things we do as a lesser blog is get the facts. How can I prove Mike South is full of shit? LOL, I really don’t have to since pretty much everyone except Rick Madrid knows he’s a fucking lying sack of shit. But, for the idiots like Matthew Harris, I decided to go straight to the top: the most powerful guy in all of Vegas, Gregg Dodson’s landlord.

If anyone knows who lived where and when it would be the guy who gets the checks. The landlord, whose name I won’t publish, said “Shaun Patrick Reilly actually moved out June 2012 due to unpaid rent”.  He also explained that Shaun Patrick Reilly was the first person to rent that house and Gregg Dodson was the third, meaning there’s a 1 year in lease in between. The landlord also states that a different management company handled Reilly and Dodson’s leases. The only connection between the two is an address at which they lived one year apart.

Furthermore, Dodson didn’t even move to Vegas until June 2013. At some point we will update this story with copy of his old lease.

Luckily for Mike South, the landlord is willing to sign a sworn statement for the court.

My personal favorite is South saying “I have always felt like the name Gregg Dodson was a fake to begin with”. LOL

Mike’s latest post is him trying to shore up his legal position. Soon he will come out as usual and say someone is messing with him, feeding him lies, and he was misled. LOL Won’t matter. He can’t win.

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  • “People think that a liar gains a victory over his victim. What I’ve learned is that a lie is an act of self-abdication, because one surrenders one’s reality to the person to whom one lies, making that person one’s master, condemning oneself from then on to faking the sort of reality that person’s view requires to be faked…The man who lies to the world, is the world’s slave from then on…There are no white lies, there is only the blackest of destruction, and a white lie is the blackest of all.” ~ Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

    • I am really looking forward to watching this play out. Obviously Mr. Dodson has proof that he can produce where Mr. South seems to have a source that he wont name and that has zero proof of anything to back up his wild accusations. I'm pretty sure there will be ALOT of crow to eat very soon for that ole southern boy

    • Yes! Love the quote! Ayn Rand has been denigrated and smeared by the extreme left for her views on societal consequences and independence, which is really too bad. You can tell most who bash her haven't actually read anything from her. Whether you agree with her position or not, you have to appreciate and respect the meticulousness of her thought. How her round-about common sense offer simplistic, but true observations and solutions. She forces you to think...

      Sometimes strange, sometimes a little eccentric, she was most definitely a strong independent woman!

  • Everyone in LA wants Mike South gone.. He has been LYING about everyone and everything for YEARS. His whole life is a lie. . I can't even recall one SINGLE truthful thing he has ever said.. He can't show his face at any adult convention, event etc. as there are SEVERAL people that would go after him if he showed his face.. You would have to wait in line to get to him. He has perpetrated a fraud for years about what and who he is and that has to an end.. He doesn't deserve to breathe air that decent people should have. I put his kind right up there with serial killers, terrorists, pedophiles, and sexual predators...

      • Luke was really only worried about a handful of people with an axe to bear, the man not well liked by many but not truly hated except by those few. South is actively disliked by many these days, a marked difference from the casual indifference most showed Luke, though again, only a few would use a baseball bat on his worthless hide. There's a reason why South relies on ties to failed performers like Lubben and Foster, just as there's a reason he baits so many by siding with other anti-industry types; it generates controversy and gets him noticed. He seems to think this sells memberships to his otherwise lame website of horrible looking amateur videos.

  • I 95% Reckon Mistah South don't understand that Mickey Mouse bullshit like fugazi unnamed sources and "besta mah rekalekshun" aint gonna fly w/ a judge. That there fancy Yankee readin and writin is like Kryptonite to a methbilly.

  • Do you have to thump on the BBW's? Since almost every woman who quits the industry gains weight - brother give us a break. I quote William Shatner who said in one of his songs that "I might be a "has been" but at least I am a "once was"! Not only female sex symbols gain weight when they get older I mean look at Marlon Brando or Val Kilmer for God's sake. Some people like us just like some like skinny bony women too! So if you want to thump on Mike South - fine. But leave the BBW's out of it please? I sit in a Sex Workers Anonymous meeting every week and I can always tell the ones who are "out" as they always put on weight to keep the sexual advances at bay and give it a rest. So some of us gain the weight just so we can have a normal conversation with certain types of men with them looking at our eyes for once instead of talking to our chest all the time. People bash us as in the industry enough without you bashing the fat chicks - make sense?

    • His comment about BBW's was fine, it conveyed what he was getting at and virtually everyone understood the reference. Equating former porn chicks with BBW is false since most former porners do not attain fatty status even if they gain a few pounds. And those at your meeting that gain weight to lose the attention should remember that some guys are more likely to hit on fatties as a fetish or because they figure fatties are easier than those who stay slim and hot.

      Sean, sending anyone over to the current LIB is just wrong. Luke had issues and Cindi was too accommodating to everyone but the new owner is bat shit crazy with a chip on her shoulder the size of Humble, Texas.

      • Im sorry sir..It was a moment of weakness...I know of a bat shit crazy chick from Humble..Some call her Kelli Roberts, the site killer..

    • " I can always tell the ones who are “out” as they always put on weight to keep the sexual advances at bay and give it a rest. "

      I always thought they gained weight because they put the pipe down. Example: Carmella Bing's fluctuations wrapped around her legal issues. To hear that it is a conscious decision to make themselves undesirable would be eye opening, if it wasn't ridiculous.

      I do understand the theory though. I used to tell people that if I dropped my extra 40lbs, I'd have to hire someone to keep the pussy away.

  • I don't think Ol' South is hated, because that would imply people give enough of a shit about him to have those emotions. At best he's a joke, an old never-was who makes shit up to try and get attention or come across as some one who matters. It's all he knows, it's all he's got and even that is slipping away.

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