Ill make this quick. Last week, while going thru the APAG filings I came across section 11 of their constitution. Below is a screen cap taken yesterday
As you can clearly see, section 11 talks about putting nudes behind a paywall.
After I made a post about this, APAG President 4 Life Alana Evans claimed it was bullshit in this tweet:
But yet there is is in Black and White, on the APAG site..Not only that, but your current filling as well..
So Alana is either lying about her intentions, or too fucking stupid to actually read her own bylaws/constitution..
Knowing what I know, she’s both
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FYI: Alana and Ruby have discussed doxxing your kids, in front of others, including Gustavo at XBIZ
There are hardly any nudes on Twitter anymore any way. Mostly see teasers trying to steer ya towards OnlyFans. No faps to be had. Only worthwhile for trolling.
Ms. Evans worry more about the disgusting people filming in front of their young children, as well as the rapist and abusers in the industry instead of worrying bout people posting nudes on social media.