Alleged teen sex slave lied

Nov 15, 2014
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A 14-year-old Rustenburg girl could be charged with perjury after lying about being held against her will and sold as a sex slave by her aunt.

According to the girl, the ordeal started last year when she moved in with her aunt following her mother’s death, North Eastern Tribune reported.

The teen alleged that her aunt later locked her in a room with six old men and one of them raped her.

Claims were made that this became a daily occurrence, and that the girl decided to take a taxi to Johannesburg, where Metro police found her wandering on the M1 freeway last month.

The girl then told the police that she had escaped from her aunt, who used her as a child prostitute, and that she had become the laughing stock of her schoolmates who teased for being a “sex worker”.

teen sex slave

The child was then referred to social development, and the case transferred to the Rusternburg Police Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit.

Norwood police spokesperson Sergeant Nurse Sanyane said it was later established that the teenager had fabricated the story.

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10 years ago

It’s good to see that at least one government in the world is actually investigating rape claims and not just taking the accuser’s word on it…

10 years ago

Thank you for publishing this. I’m going to send this to some people I had “warned” this would happen. In their push for more federal dollars – the “correctional and legal system” is trying to change the definition of “prostitute” to “victim” so they increase their numbers. I started catching on to this watching these NBC “Sex Slave” programs. I started contacting all of these programs thinking they were for “trafficking victims”. Instead what I was finding was programs that were either for prostitutes, or just witness protection programs. The women are telling me that they’re told they can expunge… Read more » - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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