Amazon is deleting sex workers’ wish lists without warning

May 2, 2014
Adult Business News
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From EJ Dickson at The Daily Dot —

Last summer, Tanya Tate received an e-mail from Amazon saying that her Amazon wish list had been deleted. A well-known British adult performer and cosplayer who recently starred as Cersei in the porn parody Game of Bones, Tate had not received any prior warning that her wish list was being deleted, so she called Amazon, asking why it had been taken down.

“They told me it was being used for ‘bartering purposes,’ because I’d written in the description, like, ‘Send me gifts and I’ll send you a thank you or pictures of me wearing this dress or lingerie,’” Tate says, describing a common practice in the adult industry. “So I put my wish list back up again, with no text at all.”

Amazon is deleting sex workers' wish lists without warning

Tanya Tate

Tate’s new wish list did not allude to trading gifts for personal photos or videos, and she says it was connected to her SFW cosplaying website rather than her adult page. Nonetheless, a few days later, Amazon deleted her second wish list, then Tate’s entire account. She also lost the balance on her Amazon gift cards in the process.

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Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
10 years ago

Amazon, which sells plenty of porn, is in the same category as Chase Bank, which also makes plenty of money from porn transactions. That would be the category of hypocritical bullies. Paypal belongs on that list too. No processing transactions for XXX web sites for Paypal, but in the Adults Only section of ebay you’ll find tons of porn, including the hardest of content, just a mouse click away from from your Paypal login. These companies like to cite “repetitional risk” as their reason for bullying porn people, but given the esteem in which big corporations are held by the… Read more »

Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
10 years ago
Reply to  Ernest Greene

That should be repetitional risk? Damned autocorrect. Let’s say “risk to their reputations) as if such a risk were theoretically possible.

Anthony Kennerson
Anthony Kennerson
10 years ago
Reply to  Ernest Greene

Thankfully, laptops don’t have autocorrect. I’ll correct for you, Ernest: “reputational risk”.

Also, my own take on all this is now up at BPPA: - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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