The Backlash Moral Panic Film Club – Feb 7, 2014 in London

Jan 12, 2014
Movies and Tv
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Did you know that you could potentially be prosecuted for taking consensual, private pictures of yourself or your partner, if the government deems them to be obscene?

Join us in an evening of disgust and moral panic to raise funds to support Backlash UK’s academic, legal and campaigning resources defending freedom of sexual expression and the right to personal privacy.

The evening will consist of film, talks and round table discussions by specialists including our solicitors, external campaigners and academics, then music and drinks until closing time!


When: Friday, February 7th 2014, form 7pm till late.
Where: Hackney Attic, 270 Mare Street, London, E8 1HE

Tickets: available on the Hackney Attic website shortly.
Regular: £15

Buy your ticket online here

Why a fundraiser? As Backlash becomes better known, more people are turning to our solicitors for help. Court cases are costly but important affairs, because they ensure that our defendants get a fair trial by being represented by specialist lawyers who defend adult’s freedom of sexual expression; their right to participate in all consensual sexual activities and to watch, read and create any fictional interpretation of such in any media. All money raised will go the increasing amount of court cases that Backlash has been asked to assist with.

The current moral panic has resulted in Backlash’ solicitors’ expertise being increasingly on demand to advise and often, represent, people charged with crimes that go from the possession of extreme images of consenting adults, to OPA charges of creators of artistic content and sexual discrimination at employment tribunals.


(you can vote by posting on the event wall, via Facebook message, email or via Twitter).

1. A Serbian Film
2. Caligula
3. Deep Throat
4. Freaks
5. Dawn Of The Dead
6. Henry – Portrait Of A Serial Killer
7. L’Empire Des Sens (In The Realm Of The Senses)
8. Salo
9. The Devils
10. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
11. Tenebrae
12. The Human Centipede 2

Backlash is an umbrella organization providing academic, legal and campaigning resources defending freedom of sexual expression. We support the rights of adults to participate in all consensual sexual activities and to watch, read and create any fictional interpretation of such in any media.


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11 years ago

The Backlash Moral Panic Film Club – Feb 7, 2014 in London via @trpwl

11 years ago

Go Backlash!

11 years ago

The Backlash Moral Panic Film Club – Feb 7, 2014 in London: Did you know that you could potentially be prosecu… - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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