Banning prostitution is the greater evil

Feb 24, 2014
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Banning prostitution is the greater evil

The greater evil: In Europe560 social enterprises, including 70 academics and researchers, have signed a petition against the criminalization of prostitutes’ clients, which has been sent to the European Parliament.

On February 27, the subject of adopting the so-called Swedish model in all EU states will be discussed in Strasbourg, at the proposal of British euro deputy Mary Honeyball. That model imposes heavy penalties for consumers of paid sex.

The model is not only ‘moralistic and repressive’ but also, according to the petitioners, short-sighted. They argue that it doesn’t take into account the difference between sex work and trafficking and say that those who choose to practice the ‘oldest profession’ do not always do so under duress – sometimes it is a free choice. The law victimizes prostitutes and would expose them to violence and marginalization. It also puts their health at risk because of limited access to measures that can prevent HIV.

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Banning prostitution is the greater evil | AdultWikiMedia
11 years ago

[…] Banning prostitution is the greater evil […]

Banning prostitution is the greater evil | The Rob Black Website
11 years ago

[…] Banning prostitution is the greater evil […]

Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
11 years ago

But you see the petition was signed by smart people rather than politicians. It’s an uneven contest that politicians usually win, though possibly not in this instance.

E.J. O.
E.J. O.
7 years ago


If ‘to work is a right’ does that mean that that you have a right to a job? Does that mean you have a right for me to employ you? I cannot afford for myself let alone you; but if not me then who?

What if you broke your leg while out skiing or hiking or something and you can’t practice this ‘right’, are you being oppressed?

They legalized prostitution throughout Europe and that STILL isn’t enough; how many kidnapped girls will it take?

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