Soon after Mitt Romney uttered “binders full of women” during Tuesday’s presidential debate, the viral catchphrase was clearly destined to become fodder for the online porn industry.
That hunch occurred to Lance Lawson, who nabbed the BindersFullOfWomen XXX domain about half an hour after he heard Romney utter the phrase, and not long after the George Soros-backed PAC American Bridge 21st Century snatched up the domain name
“It seemed like it would appeal to a certain type of person,” said the nonprofit worker from San Jose, Calif. “But I’m not interested in providing adult material.”
Lawson, who bought the domain name for $100, is trying to flip it on eBay, but had no bidders as of press time. “I’m a little surprised,” he said. Lawson said he thought the domain name would quickly be snapped up by either the Romney/Ryan campaign, someone who wanted to use it for political purposes or, of course, “someone [who] wanted to get into the porn business and show off his binders full of women.”
The obvious potential of “binders full of women” also occurred to Stuart Lawley, CEO of ICM Registry, which owns the .XXX domain exclusively for online adult content. While watching the debate, “that was a phrase that grabbed me straightaway,” Lawley said. “It resonated, and I knew it was going to be registered within 24 hours.”
“It’s an excellent name for an adult site, to be honest,” Lawley added. “It’s a phrase that will mean things to people and be bandied about for years to come.”
Lawley said the number of searches for “binders full of women” on his newly launched porn search engine,, has “gone through the roof” since the debate, indicating there’s “plenty of interest” for such a site.
The idea that Romney could inspire a porn business is ironic, considering he has been railing against the porn industry throughout his campaign. Republicans also added a sentence to the party’s 2012 platform stating, “Current laws on all forms of pornography and obscenity need to be vigorously enforced.”
While campaigning in 2007, Romney said, “I want to make sure that every new computer sold in this country after I’m president has installed on it a filter to block all pornography and that parents can click that filter to make sure their kids don’t see that kind of stuff coming in on their computer.”
Not surprisingly, a recent poll revealed that 68 percent of adult industry members want Obama elected as president, while only 13 percent preferred Romney.
But Lawley believes personal politics won’t dissuade someone in the industry from capitalizing on Romney’s turn of phrase. When it comes to “binders full of women,” the industry is bipartisan, he said. “If Obama or Biden had said those same words, it would have gotten as much interest,” he said. “This is free enterprise.”