Bonnie Rotten a Topless Hit in NYC

May 7, 2015
Porn Stars
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bonnie rotten

VENICE, CA – A lot more people know that it’s legal for women to be topless in New York City now that Bonnie Rotten hit the town shirtless last week.

bonnie rotten
In town to shoot the cover of Inked magazine, they grabbed a video camera and hit the town and on such a beautiful day how could Bonnie resist hitting the town without a shirt?

She did not go unnoticed.

The front page of TMZ blasted “BONNIE ROTTEN TOPLESS IN MANHATTAN…Tourist Dreams Come True.”

“Porn star Bonnie Rotten showcased the laws of our land better than any stupid attorney ever could – by showing off her breasts all over New York City,” they wrote. “Even though the heavily tatted Bonnie is a west coast chick – she seemed to adapt very quickly to the Empire State’s more liberal view of boobs.
Also obvious in this video … all of Manhattan adapting to their view of Bonnie’s boobs. Especially the tourists.”

She also made the TMZ broadcast. The article and video can be found at

“I had so much fun in New York!” Bonnie said. “It was really wild to be hitting the town topless, definitely an experience I’ll never forget – and I think there are a few others who are going to remember it for a long time, too.”

Back in Porn Valley, her directorial debut for Elegant Angel, Ink’d Squirt, is getting amazing notices.

“Bonnie is Bonnie and always total enthusiasm and on the mark with all out, anything goes sexual scenes and her squirting capacity is off the chain,” Art Koch wrote for the All Adult Network. “The rest of the girls fit in very well and obviously are enjoying everything that comes their way. If you like tatted girls, like girls who squirt and enjoy sex play on very intense fetish level, this is for you. I highly recommend Ink’d Squirt from Elegant Angel for some extremely different and exciting entertainment.”

Captain Jack at Adult DVD Talk called the movie “very hot” and also went on a bit of a Bonnie-is-wonderful rant after watching the bonus scene featuring Bonnie in Performers of the Year 2014: “Bonnie is one of the sweetest girls in porn which some would say contradicts her on-screen image. I disagree because Bonnie absolutely loves sex and it shows in every single one of her performances. She is a fiery performer and she deservedly won the Performer of the Year award a little bit after this scene was shot. She gives 150% in every scene and that’s the way she lives life. If she’s going to do something, you might as well be the best at it! I’m happy for all her success and she says 2014 is going to be even better and I don’t doubt her for a second!”

Bonnie will also be in Elegant’s Performers of the Year 2015, which should be out soon.

Read the entire AAN review at

Visit her official website at Fans can buy lots of products, including videos, memorabilia, novelties, DVDs, clothing and lube. Content will continue to be loaded onto the site. To order Bonnie’s movies contact Jerry at or call 818.576.9464.

Follow Bonnie on Twitter @thebonnierotten. Her official website is For everything Bonnie go to

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