Breaking News: Sarah Vandella FIRES Erika “Sugar Cum” Icon

Feb 10, 2020
Adult Business
12 1

I know, it’s not really news, but, we here at TRPWL despise Erika. She’s a lying backstabbing piece of monkey crap. She’s the reason I’m addicted to heroin, cocaine, meth, and Jello Shots.

I know what some of you are thinking, how does TRPWL know what Erika’s cum tastes like? I don’t. If I had to guess though, I’d say it takes like old Chinese food and Mountain Dew.

I call her “Sugar Cum” because one time Erika promoted her client being flamed by a major news outlet. She’s so stupid she didn’t bother to read the actual story.  One second, I need some cocaine, anyone have James Bartholet’s number? Or do I just shine the cocaine signal against the night sky? <—- Screen cap that Foster

the rub pr

The other day, Sarah made this tweet:

Checking her header no more Erika:

When my news team checked Erika’s website, not only was Sarah removed from the current client list, but she wasn’t placed on the former client list either. Why is what some are asking. Did Sarah take the last chicken wing?  Sarah has a smoking hot body, so we know she practices portion control.  Did Sarah spill hot sauce on Erika’s favorite wife beater? I’ll say NO. Erika’s wife beaters are black, hot sauce won’t show up on it.  Did Sarah find out that Erika was abusing her dog, the fake Bosco?

A sober educated blogger would probably say it was because Erika is a POS and Sarah finally got fed up with her antics, Sarah basically said that in her tweet. But, I just sniffed 4 cans of paint so my mind is all over the place. < Screen cap that Foster

If anyone needs me, I’ll be crushing up asbestos to mix with my heroin… shhh don’t tell anyone.

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