Brock Doom Fundraiser

Sep 9, 2020
Adult Business
12 11

I have been through hard times before, but even with the fire that quite literally rocked my world back in 2017, this most recent week or two has been the roughest and most difficult period in my entire life. I have lost my apartment, my possessions are in between three locations, with the bulk of my most important and basic belongings, as well as family heirlooms and movie or art masters, remaining still in my most recent apartment home, for the very moment, waiting to be packed and moved into storage.

However, to make matters more complex, I can’t really go back to pack or move those belongings myself, even though they are my things, because of an agreement that I went along with. It’s all too surreal and disheartening. I’m now strapped for cash partially due to my EDD (Unemployment Benefits) not being fully processed yet (and thus indefinitely delayed), and have found myself technically homeless, with no one allowing me to even sleep at their home or in their room or living room or anywhere. I have by now already slept in a parking lot, slept on a “friend’s” front door step, stayed in a motel and now a small capsule/cot in a hostel in Hollywood. I am begging for your help and for anyone out there who might be able to help put me up for a few nights. COVID-19 further complicates matters as so many people are paranoid about the virus. I am clean and have recently been tested for it. I am negative for COVID-19  and am in perfect health. Help this brother out please! I haven’t mentioned this publicly, but I’ve already spent several nights sleeping in hideaways in parking lots and once on an acquaintance’s tiny front stoop outside his front door.

I keep hitting walls and getting into misunderstandings that are outside of my control as are the timelines that I’ve been having to adhere to because I’m at the literal mercy of people that I know both well and not necessarily so well. I’m patient, but even as fearless as I may be, I’m frightened to a degree that the road is too difficult to face without any kind of assistance. I really don’t know what to do. I’m working extremely hard to bring revenue in, and I will, but without an address to forward my mail to yet, I’m not sure how or when I’m going to receive any checks that I’m expecting in the mail, and without any of my stuff, especially my clothes, I won’t be able to wear the required wardrobe that producers will need me in for the scenes that I normally act or perform in, and beyond that, I’m completely uprooted from any kind of security to be able to pursue finishing my most recent slew of mainstream indepedent film projects, including but not limited to my features, Noirland  (starring James Duval, Elissa Dowling, Wendy McColm), The Trial  (starring myself and many others), and “I Am An Alien” (starring Mark Borchardt, Dennis Woodruff, Sophia Jade). I, and my work, am on IMDB  and Amazon .

The money I am raising here ($2500 is the basic goal) will literally ALL go towards me getting a new room/studio/apartment somewhere in the greater LA metroplex (looking at all areas especially the Valley). Not a penny will go to waste. This is literally LIFE-SAVING money, so even a dollar goes a long way. Please understand this.

just need to find a room somewhere, preferably in a house or a 1 Bedroom apartment, or even a studio in the San Fernando Valley. I just need a little bit of help to make it until then, as I’m carless and without any kind of stable  homebase at this time or way to get money aside from apps like GoFundMe or PayPal or Venmo or Zelle.

If you want to help outside of this platform (GoFundMe), please by all means, anything helps.


You can send help in the following ways too:

1) PayPal $ Donation to [email redacted]

2) Venmo $ Donation to TheRamziAbed

3) Zelle $ Donation to Ramzi Abed, 310-600-1041

4) Cash App: $RamziAbed

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Durka Durka
Durka Durka
4 years ago

Fucking panhandler. Fuck him. And fuck his POS agent who enables him. How many fundraisers do you get to have until people realize a scam? - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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