Company Markets Mobile Stripper Poles – For Tailgate Parties

Sep 5, 2012
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In years past, all that was needed for a successful tailgate party was a great barbecue grill in the back of the truck, but now, the hottest new tailgate accessory appears to be a mobile stripper pole.

The Platinum Stage Hitch Pole, sold by the Newport Beach, California-based, is being marketed as the world’s only dance pole that can be attached to the ball hitch of any truck or SUV.

In promotional photos on the company’s website, the mobile pole can be seen attached to the hitch of an Escalade, with a bikini-clad model in high-heeled black sandals seductively grabbing onto it.

Keith Scheinberg, the founder and CEO of the pole-making business, explained in a phone interview with the Daily Mail on Wednesday that the mobile version of his top-selling portable pole was specifically designed for tailgating – an outdoor party held on and around the back of a vehicle.

Scheinberg said since the Hitch Pole first went on the market a couple of years ago, his company has sold thousands of units to people who want all eyes on them.

‘This is designed for the people who want attention,’ he said.

The contraption comes with a three-by-three platform and has about seven feet of usable pole space for a dancer to show off his or her moves, so long as they weigh less than 200lbs.

The pole is made of polished steel and is being sold for $399, but for about $100 extra, customers can upgrade it to brass.

And if the pole was not mobile enough already, it can be broken down into two pieces for easy storage in any car.

Club on wheels: The Platinum Stage Hitch Pole, which comes with a $399 price tag, is being marketed as the world’s only stripper pole that can be attached to the ball hitch of any vehicle.

While not everyone embraced the mobile dance pole at first, Scheinberg said that after a while, ‘people started to jump on it.’ He added that vehicles rigged with his steel rod have been spotted tailgating in many locations, including a fair.

The 33-year-old entrepreneur noted that contrary to popular belief, a product like this does not just appeal to men, adding that half of his customers are women who use poles for fitness purposes.

The California company prides itself on manufacturing all of its risqué products, from poles to sleek leather furniture and sky-high stripper footwear, domestically.

Platinum Stages has been in business since 2001, when Scheniebrg, who was attending law school at the time, came up with the idea of for a portable pole. Since then, his company has sold millions of units and related accessories to clubs, individuals and fitness centers worldwide.


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12 years ago


Christina Page
Christina Page
12 years ago

Very interesting. I actually just had my new brass pole installed this morning (not from this company). Steel poles suck, definitely worth the 100 dollar upgrade to brass. I danced on mine for 3 hours tonight and I am ready to collapse 🙂 - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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