DotXXX Closing In On The Elusive DotPro

Jan 2, 2012
Adult Business News
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Yes. It looks like dotXXX will soon over take dotPro and move into 11th place in the battle for internet dominance. What was once seen as a joke, dotXXX is showing the world they came to battle. When asked for a comment, DotPro had nothing to say. One person, speaking on a condition of anonymity, said that dotXXX’s million dollar ad campaign, speed boat and newly signed porn talent signaled what is surely to be a changing of the guard.

Soon dotXXX will be going head to head with dotAsia and dotName which will be a battle of pay per view proportions. I for one would hate to be dotName. They have a huge target on their back. When I contacted dotCom and asked them if they were worried about dotXXX they replied with, “dotWHO”? Then they sold me an 8 dollar domain…

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Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
13 years ago

This reminds me of that 1992 SNL sketch with Phil Hartman as Clinton, bragging about how, during his tenure as governor, Arkansas passed Mississippi to become 41st in the prevention of rickets. Look out Alabama…

13 years ago

It’s a joke alright. I’m looking forward to the wording (which has so far taken them 3 months and counting … to get juuuust right) for how they plan to convince performers (such as myself) to enter into this Performers Program. Initially, I wanted to purchase my amanda36c . xxx under their Sunrise application, but ICM Registry blocked me from doing so. When I did a Whois search for this domain, it showed that it was “reserved by ICM Registry”. I inquired about the purchase and they told me there would be a program for performers. Oh, so we get… Read more »

13 years ago

Wow. Less than 200 new .xxx registration in a day. Let’s do the math. 200 x 365 = 73000. 73000 x $60 = $4380000.

$4380000 minus the cost of a raceboat, their advertising budget, the cost of getting ICANN’s approval (bribes) = $0000.

They still have a long way to go if they want to reach that $200 million per year number Lawley claimed he would be making. - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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