Fat Tara Puts Down The Pizza , Issues Ultimatum

Aug 1, 2011
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So Fat Tara has decided to make another threat of legal action..This time against Monica Foster..I think maybe Fat Taras MSG levels have caused her to go all Jason Bourne on us..Some should refer her to the small claims suite she already filed against Monica an other people involved in the PWL take down …Maybe shes gonna sue everyone again..

Her life is so bad now she cant even link her crappy website to her lonely twitter account..

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13 years ago

I like the part that says, “What is your email?” and she answers by putting down her name. And the question that says, “What is your name?”, she puts down her email address. Wow!

13 years ago

That surprises you, when she named that Mercedes Ashley broad a co plaintiff in her suit.

10-1 Tara doesn’t show in court for fear of being forced into treatment.

13 years ago

Tara needs a psychiatrist! What is she going to do, keep filing useless lawsuits for $100 ($300 divided by the three people in the last round)? As far as I am concerned, Tara can go take a long walk off of a short pier and not wear a life preserver! At least Donny eventually took his hate-mongering site offline, Tara hasn’t evidently even done that yet!

Gordon Bombay
Gordon Bombay
13 years ago

Can we expect anymore updates from the poster on porn wiki leaks?. I loved hearing the inside info on all of those creepers. Keep up the good work man.

Gordon Bombay
Gordon Bombay
13 years ago


13 years ago

Online harassment is force and what you are doing is extortion.

13 years ago

@ hum: Extortion my ass. I guess it is to be expected that a pwl sympathizer is too stupid to know what extortion is. Extortion is using force [coercion] to obtain money, property or services. Since Tara has none of these to offer, it is impossible to extort her. I expect the word you meant to use is blackmail. You should be very familiar with it. It is a tactic you pwl morons used all the time…it is threatening to expose true and/or false information about someone to the public, their family, or their associates, etc. unless a demand or… Read more »

13 years ago

There are still laws. And the cops know everything about this little witchhunt including info on two additional instigators – Kitten and Sinnamon Love – the cops have their info and hooker ads too – fuck all of you.

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
13 years ago
Reply to  whenever

Hey, cuntwaffle, how come I STILL have not been served yet in your small claims action?

I’m laughing at you. Everyone is laughing at you, you inept cow.

13 years ago

Michael, I think Tara is too stupid to figure out how to get your address from the phone book or on Zaba Search and she didn’t check the box for the process server to find it (that is an extra fee in MI). I guess if you aren’t served, the court will get the papers back and your needing to show up and defend yourself would not be necessary at that time. If you are not served on time, the court would drop you from the lawsuit automatically (at least that is how it worked in MI). You could still… Read more »

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
13 years ago

She did try to serve via certified mail, but she used incorrect addresses. Like an idiot.

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