Former Sex Tape Star Melissa King Arrested At University of Arkansas Frat House

Feb 3, 2014
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TotalFratMove reports:

Melissa King (@Melissa_M_King), the former Miss Teen Delaware, one-scene porn star, and current University of Arkansas student, was arrested Saturday night and booked on a criminal trespassing charge.

Here’s her mugshot:

Screen Shot 2014-02-02 at 6.22.27 PM

The arrest occurred at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon house during their initiation party. King was taken intro custody around midnight at released at 10:31 the following morning.

King told TotalFratMove‘s Roger Dorn that the arrest was due to a simple misunderstanding, and has since been resolved.

Dorn adds,

[T]here is a redeeming detail from this story, and it lies in the booking at the Fayetteville police station. King threw a verbal haymaker at the booking officer, one that everyone dreams of being able to say.

“They asked for my social security number. I said, ‘I don’t know.’ They asked for my phone number. I again said, ‘I don’t know.’ They asked, ‘You don’t know your phone number?’ I said, ‘Nope, but you can Google Me.’”

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