Fox Sports Guy Nick Alvarez AKA MaxExposurePhotos Tweets Pornstars Real Name

Jan 24, 2017
Adult Business News
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Early today Nick Alvarez, using the twitter handle @MaxExposurePics, tweeted at pornstar Julie Kay and dropped her real name:

Nick, mad because he misread a contract, tried to get producers and others attached to the adult industry to NOT do business with the Society 15 beauty.

This isn’t Nicks first pornstar bash session, he’s famous for harassing talent and verbally abusing them on social media, models with Plush, ATMLA and Skyn have all been on the receiving end of his ill advised tirades.

Once when Bobby Dylan was accused of selling performers personal info, guess who had her back? You guessed it, Nick Alvarez. Nick even thought it was funny when Bobbi tweeted a picture of my 12 year old along with his real name, Bobbi has since deleted that tweet..Given his history, none of this is surprising..

I’d be real careful about showing this guy my ID….Never can tell when or where it will show up online



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