Hyapatia Lee on Stoner Sex: Faking It, Heavy Toking, Edible Sex & impotence

Feb 14, 2014
Drugs & Addiction
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Hyapatia Lee does Q&A for the HighTimes Website…



I read your letter from a guy who was peeing inside his girlfriend and she couldn’t tell. Does this mean girls can’t tell if we fake an orgasm?

Dear Mike,
I cannot speak for all women, but I sure can tell when a man comes. My pussy gets much wetter and I can feel his cock pulsating inside of me and the jizz shooting against my back wall no matter how high I get. I can’t tell you if I’m more sensitive than other women or not – I don’t know. But I don’t think most men can tell if a woman is faking it, especially if she’s good at it!

I have a boyfriend who smokes a lot of pot. I mean he is ALWAYS smoking, from sun up to sundown. He grows it so he has plenty. At first I didn’t mind; I liked smoking with him. It’s been close to a year now that we’ve been living together and I don’t mind his smoking, but I don’t want to smoke that much. Damn! I cough my lungs out every day! I try to pass on the blunt but he’s like: “What? No way. C’mon, I know you want some,” and then I’m smoking again. I don’t want to hurt his feelings.

Dear Miranda,
Try sitting him down and telling him that you want to take a break so you aren’t coughing your head off all day long. Tell him your lungs could use some fresh air. He’ll probably understand that. Tell him that you’ll let him know when you want to smoke and that it’s nothing against him or his weed. It’s just that your body is telling you to slow down a bit.

Hey Hyapatia,
When my girlfriend does edibles she gets really horny and we go at it all night long. She gets freaky, too. We have some special clothes and toys to play with. But when she doesn’t do edibles, our sex life is pretty boring. How can I get her to do edibles all the time?

Dear Hanz,
Other than sex, how does she function on edibles? Can she get her work done? Can she keep up with life all day? Or does it make it hard for her get up in the morning, focus and get things done? Is she working through a fog when she’s high on edibles? Consider these things first. She’ll probably consider them, too, when you suggest she eat more edibles. It’s her choice though. But it certainly sounds as if she’s able to let loose and express her sexuality better when she’s high – and that’s important.

Hey Hyapatia,
My boyfriend seems to have a problem. Whenever we get high, he can’t get it up. What is it in pot that makes guys not be able to get it up?

Dear Stacy,
All the guys I’ve been with, talked to or heard about have never had problems in bed after smoking. Does he have erection problems when he isn’t high? Are you smoking sativa or indica. I’d definitely recommend a sativa – and not a hybrid either. Honestly, I’d advise your boyfriend to talk to his doctor. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Lots of men have this problem. That’s why there are so many pills to help guys get it up. Think about it: if it weren’t a common problem, there would be no need for these pills. I don’t know how old he is, but as men get older it can be more difficult to perform. I wish you both the best.


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