
May 22, 2011
Adult Business News
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. hy·poc·ri·sies
1. The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness.
2. An act or instance of such falseness.

I think some of you fail to see the real reason behind PWL. They’re not concerned with Gays, Jews, Me, Mercedes or CX3. Sure, they may not like us…but most of it is a game, all the little hate tweets and other crap done by one guy maybe two…that’s all for show, all for hits, all for there Awast Stats. And the little bitch threats they do, like anyone is really worried, all for show.

TRAFFIC is all they want.. they want a viable porn site. The best way for them to get traffic is to preach hate and go against the norm. Read between the lines always posting on their forum how the need vids. Why do they need vids? Because in the end they’re nothing more then a porn site using a smoke screen to create traffic.

I find it rather comical that they hate all of these people, but yet load up the website with their vids and then try and tweet the links. Now don’t get it twisted, there are a few redneck KKK wannabes over there who have picked up their fake cause…but mostly its Donny and his 3 man crew looking for a way to capture a porn market using Springer-esque tactics in a effort to drive traffic…

I feel sorry for DL and the rest. If they’re such bad-asses and are doing this for the greater cause, show your face…LOL But we all know those pussies are to chicken shyt. It’s one thing to play around on the net, but get to the point were you can’t even show your face in a industry that you hate, wait you love, no wait, all porn actresses are pornographic whores, wait one second, if they’re all whores, then why is Donny Long pushing his own adult talent site?

Im so confused right now. Which is it? I sure bet he would fuck 99 percent of the chicks they do wikis about. If you go look at their vids, the ones they hate the most seem to get the most traffic. Why is that, do you think, cuz deep inside they were all spurned in some way by someone they wanted but couldn’t?

Porn talent is nothing more then a fantasy for most. Sure, some of us have access to it and say yea, I fucked a porn star. But for the boys over at PWL, most will never get the chance unless they spend spend spend, and that’s no victory. I’m sure somewhere right now as I type this, a PWL member is jacking off to an Ashli or Mercedes Vid, or possibly even to a CX3 vid…

PWL is nothing more than porn fans..bottom fucking line

Yea I know this is all over the place, but I’m not a writer..lol

As the week progresses i will start posting Donny Long emails and Info. Dude is hilarious…wait, let me look over my shoulder…sweet the coast is clear…

Stay tuned for my new Donny Long tees, no it’s not a joke. They’re GONNA BE SWEEEEEET.

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