Categories: Legal

Looks Like Some Of You Need READ 1700.35 Before You Scream Violation

1700.35. No talent agency shall knowingly permit any persons of bad character, prostitutes, gamblers, intoxicated persons, or procurers to frequent, or be employed in, the place of business of the talent agency.

Last time I checked Mark Spiegler is hired by the girls. Now, if Mark’s escorting then we have a problem…

As for the intoxicated part, I dont think any of the stone throwers have room to talk…..

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  • Adult performers engage an agency to represent them, the way one would engage a business manager, realtor, attorney, or accountant. Neither the agent nor the performer is an employer or employee of the other. The agent is just that -- an agent or representative of the performer.

    As to persons who may or may not "frequent" an agency, this is meant to protect innocent persons from bad influences. However, in the modern world, performers receive their bookings via phone, text, email etc -- they don't hang out at the office of their agent waiting to be corrupted by loitering gamblers, prostitutes, pimps and drunkards.

  • I think Mark is a stand-up guy but I had to laugh about the comment about "if he is escorting". Donkey accuses him of being involved in prostitution on his libel/slander site, we all know Donkey is lying. Mark is way too smart to be escorting and risk his business in the process. I doubt any of his girls are escorting either (although Monica Fostard accused one or two -- the ones that can't beat her senseless). People need to grow up and accept that some people live lives different than yours (especially Monica Fostard). For some people that includes escorting/prostitution, for others it does not. I also think Monica owes an apology to Lorelei and Brooklyn.

        • I do sweet thing but I only date white or Hispanic men.

          I'll have you know the episode of the HBO show Curb Your Enthusiasm about the big vagina was inspired by me. HBO is like Netflix for rich people. I don't have HBO because I am not rich and because they don't show cartoons like Netflix.

  • Mark Spiegler is a fake Jew and my team has proof. Look for my exclusive report tomorrow or when I am sober enough to make things up.

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