Man’s 10 pound penis is more scary than sexy?

Apr 17, 2015
Adult Business News
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We live in a world where people “enhance” their bodies all the time. Whether it’s getting rid of fine lines, or enlarging a particular body part about which we may have insecurities, our society accepts and embraces the desire to “improve” our appearance. However, there are instances where people go to extremes with these enhancements — for example, a 10-pound penis.

In these situations, I usually like to say, “to each his own,” but when the owner of the enhanced appendage seems somewhat disabled by it, it makes me wonder, what’s the point? Based on the interview a Vice reporter conducted with said owner of the infamous 10-pound penis, it appears I’m not the only one.


Micha is a 45-year-old German man who lives in Berlin, and frequents sex clubs dressed in a black latex body suit, because it makes him feel more comfortable (although that’s hard to imagine considering what he’s packing). He told Vice the disguise helps him overcome his shy nature.

“You can offer up who you are and show yourself the way you want without having to think about what other people will think of you.” This notion justifies his penile enhancement in a way — it’s as if he built it a mask.

Micha began toying around with the idea of enlarging his penis 20 years ago when he got a penis pump as a present. I can only imagine getting the present in the first place would plant some serious insecurities, but I digress. He told Vice, “First, I tried it secretly for myself. But then it happened that I went out pumped up. And I realized that it was a good feeling.”

The fact that he felt better in public while larger made him obsessed with making the change more permanent.

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