Mormon Porn Companies Respond to #PornKillsLove Campaign

Nov 10, 2015
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CYBERSPACE (November 10, 2015) – Producers of and publicly respond to a new anti-porn campaign helmed by devout Mormons, “Fight The New Drug.” FTND is currently running a social media and billboard campaign, using the slogan #PornKillsLove. Its current billboard campaign is in San Francisco; FTND is also holding high school assemblies across the country regarding the “dangers of porn.”

Though its four founders are devout Mormons, FTND pretends not to ground its arguments in religion, but instead to present science and facts. As part of its campaign, FTND has cherry-picked studies, which give an incomplete picture of the porn industry and the effects of porn consumption. In addition, the campaign stigmatizes sex workers: the picture they paint of the industry is one in which all performers are drug-addicted sex-slaves, who are forced to engage in violent sex against their will.

“Four Mormons may be pushing a sex-negative, anti-porn agenda, but they don’t speak for all Mormons,” says one of the site’s owners, LeGrand Wolf. “As the world’s premier purveyor of Mormon erotic fantasies, MormonBoyz and MormonGirlz, we are committed to free speech, sexual liberation, & the spread of Mormon plural marriage, the longest-running alternative lifestyle in American history.”

The #PornKillsLove campaign features slick graphic design and lots of social media savvy, with images of attractive kids who have pledged to “Fight the New Drug.” At the same time, they are perpetuating harmful stigmas about porn consumers.

Brooke Hunter, another owner, says, “It’s a ‘cool kid’ campaign which bullies ‘losers’ who consume porn. ‘Real men don’t watch porn,’ they claim, alongside a picture of three studs. They are calling men who enjoy porn (read: most people) unnatural, effeminate, and stupid. They may be posing as friendly, but FTND is definitely the mean kids you went to school with. And by the way, women like to watch porn too.”

FTND also presents itself as a public service, yet with its donation levels, it definitely seems to be a profit-seeking venture. To join the Fighter Club, for example, people may donate money, preferably as a monthly recurring donation of $10, $40, $100 or even $500. In addition, FTND also sells tee shirts, wrist bands, and other propaganda, including literature and a $40 self-help program to combat “porn addiction.” With over 1 million “Fighters” on Facebook, the potential profit of this campaign is staggering.

“Those behind the FTND campaign are engaged in irresponsible fear-mongering,” says Wolf. “Their rhetoric is highly combative. Porn kills love? Fighters? Those bright red billboards communicate a sense of imminent threat. Without scientific evidence, the CEO of FTND calls porn ‘a public health concern,’ as though he is fighting an actual epidemic. They claim porn causes violence toward women and rape; it supposedly ruins marriages and warps viewers’ ideas of sex and intimacy.”

Hunter adds, “With sound bites such as ‘Very few things are scarier than what porn does to relationships, and ‘If love is a battlefield, then porn is a nuclear warhead,” FTND’s tactic is to spread unsubstantiated, dangerous, scapegoating hype. This is threatening to anyone working in the porn industry and it’s decidedly un-Christian and un-American. Rest assured we, as well as our fans, will be doing our part to send the correct message to the public.”

For more information, visit and; the sites can also be followed on Twitter at and, and on Facebook at and



About showcases beautiful young Mormon boys, who are every bit as sexual as other boys their age, but are also wonderfully innocent and wholesome. Because of their deprivation, these boys are pent up and starved for release, which makes them even more sexual. The site is also where the true process by which young Mormon men receive their priesthood authority is revealed: a process which has been a closely held secret for more than 180 years. Although ordination by insemination is not practiced among the general membership of the Church very often, this true transfer of priesthood power has been ongoing since Mormon founder Joseph Smith and close friend Oliver Cowdery were inseminated by John the Baptist, the Apostles Peter, James, and John, and each other. For more information, visit; the site can also be followed on Twitter at and on Facebook at


About reveals the secret, ritualistic sex practices of Mormonism. The ultimate breeding power rests with a special Seed Bearer, chosen by revelation he is given special authority to spread his seed among the daughters of Zion. The Seed Bearer is free to select his sexual partners — even if those women are already married. The practice is accompanied by a complicated set of highly sacred secret rituals, rarely discussed with outsiders. During their journey, the innocent and obedient young women, mostly virgins, have their soft and tender orifices inspected and inseminated. The process is humiliating and shocking, but Mormon girls are told that it is a rare privilege. If a girl receives this covenant, also known as the second anointing, her name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Plural marriage (aka polygamy) has been practiced publicly by Mormons since 1852, making it the longest-running alternative sexual lifestyle in American history. For more information, visit; the site can also be followed on Twitter at and on Facebook at

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