Eighty-three-year-old Eva Halpain and her partner John Manassel were in the midst of explaining to a local TV news crew how a falling tree had destroyed their house during a storm when their eyes suddenly widened.
‘What is this out there that we got?’ John asked, peering out to the end of the driveway.
What they had, in fact, was a man who had just emerged from the woods stark naked. He was walking nonchalantly down the road with his hand over his genitals.

This is the moment Eva Halpain and John Manassel spotted the naked man walking out of the woods at the end of their driveway.
It was there that the interview with KARK-TV came to a screeching halt as the shocked elderly couple stared at the man.
‘Do you know him? Jim, do you know this gentleman?’ Mr Manassel called to Eva’s son.
‘Nope, not at all,’ he replied.
‘I oughtta go out there and start an ass kicking contest,’ the elderly man replied.
Police say the man, Nathaniel Koba, 22, was high on drugs when he walked out of the woods.
‘I have a naked man standing out in the middle of the damn street with his privates in his hands just standing out there,’ Jim Halpain can be heard telling the a police dispatcher.
‘That’s right, ma’am buck naked. No shoes, no socks or anything.’
The three Benton, Arkansas, residents marveled as Koba paced up and down the road.
‘No ma’am, I don’t know. I don’t wanna get close to him,’ Mr Halpain says.
Eventually, a sheriff’s deputy arrived and arrested the man, who had decided to sit in the middle of the rural street.
Ms Halpain had been telling the KARK-TV about how her life had been saved by the University of Arkansas Razorbacks football team because she was away watching the game the night a massive tree fell through her living room.
She and Mr Manassel said they had lost nearly everything in the disaster.
Koba was charged with public intoxication and indecent exposure as a result of his revealing encounter with the elderly couple.