Panhandling is no longer just for those lacking money.
A Florida woman thought herself to be lacking physically in the chest region and took to the streets to raise money for a bust enhancement.
Carrying a hot pink sign that in bright blue capital letters read, ‘Not Homeless Need Boobs,’ Christina Andrews of Pensacola walked up and down the shoulder of a busy intersection raising money for her cosmetic surgery.

Christina Andrews of Florida stood on the side of the road with a sign that read ‘Not Homeless Need Boobs’ to collect money for a breast enhancement.
‘I just want bigger boobs, because I’m not happy with the ones I have and I figured this was a good way to do it,’ Andrews told WEAR-TV.
To Andrews’ surprise, many generous drivers stopped to donate some money towards her charitable cause.
Though Andrews’ final profit from her adventures soliciting cash remains unknown, many passing motorists did stop to contribute.’
‘I thought people would just laugh and keep riding,’ she told the news station, ‘but they’re like, ‘Hey – here’s some money.’
Whether they gave money to Andrews or not, local drivers were unable to ignore the sign.
‘[It] kind of flabbergasts you when you first look at it doesn’t it?’ one man told the news station.
Another young man commented of the sign, ‘It’s pretty crazy … This one is the most uncommon ones that you don’t see very often.’
Andrews considered her first-time panhandling efforts a success, citing to the television station that even when she didn’t get money, she able to make passersby smile.
I am going to paint a sign that says ALMOST HOMELESS NEED WINE.