On Her Deathbed, Boyfriend Beater Dakota Skye Has A Twitter Meltdown

Jun 15, 2017
Adult Business News
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As an award winning journalist, twitter meltdowns are a dream come true.  Some of you are saying, TRPWL, twitter meltdowns happen all the time in porn.  No, not like this.  A typical drug fueled meltdown consists of usually one target.  It goes on till the high wears off and then tweets magically disappear, sometimes, the tweeter claims they were hacked by Russians, then claim they have hired a twitter IP tracer to get to the bottom of the alleged hacking. Then like a Plush talent lawsuit threat, they continue on like it never happened.

A couple weeks ago, Dakota was arrested for savagely beating famed rapper and all around great guy Kellen St Cloud. On a downward spiral ever since, Dakota decided to double down and start randomly attacking hard working porn professionals on twitter earlier today.

While I have no personal knowledge about Nigel’s sex skills, I read on a bumper sticker somewhere that Nigel is a good fuck…

Furious about the revelation that Nigel allegedly banged Dakota, Nigel’s wife Katrina Jade tweeted this:


Dakota, unfazed by Katrina’s love for TRPWL continued tweeting:

Fists of fury Skye is referring to the mugshot originally posted by the smoking gun, then picked up by a bunch of scumbag porn blogs.  These scumbag porn blogs dont care about Dakota, all they wanna do is take advantage of her famousness so they can get traffic. Those sick fucks

Whatever you do, dont click this link —> https://therealpornwikileaks.com/pint-sized-pugilist-dakota-gets-locked-domestic-battery/

It gets worse, as sadly Dakota is near death

Dakota’s dying wish? To sue future ex-pornographic actress and future Cindi Spiegler Hall of Famer,  .

All Dakota wanted before she died was to sue Grace, and for OC Modeling to put their models in timeout:

Instead of writing up the models, which as we all know will follow them around for the rest of their lives, OC models twitter account decided to attack a drugged up and dying Dakota:

How sad.   If that tweet is the tweet that sends Dakota into cardiac arrest, I will personally contact Phyllisha Anne and have the Union kick OC out of porn.

it looks at though Dakota may have a a medical malpractice case in the works..Her Dr told her she DIDN’T have a brain injury


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7 years ago

Great piece of journalism. Unfortunately after the revelation that Miss Skye gets “methed out”, I had to stop so I could pleasure myself while watching anal gifs of her and fantasizing about doing bumps of meth off her lovely anus.

Few things in life are more rewarding than having a tweeking spinner trying to extract splooge from my testicles. Only things that come to mind are seeing my child laughing and seeing Aaron Judge mash another tater.

7 years ago

You funny bastard

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