Penthouse Magazine Crowns Layla Sin Penthouse Pet of the Year 2015

Apr 15, 2015
Press Release
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New York, NY – And the winner is…..  Layla Sin! Penthouse Magazine has given the world famous title of Penthouse Pet of the Year for 2015 to Layla Sin. In true Penthouse form an  all-new pictorial of Sin will premiere in  the May 2015 issue of Penthouse Magazine, now available on newsstands, .

Kelly Holland, Managing Director of Penthouse Magazine announced the exciting news at Penthouse’s 50th Anniversary Party Tuesday night in Cannes. Layla was on site to  share her exciting moment and to celebrate with the vast array of partygoers.

“Layla Sin joins an extraordinary class of women as a coveted Penthouse Pet of the Year.” Said Holland, “while our choice was  difficult , we couldn’t be more thrilled with the end result – the fun has just begun!.”

Born in Tel Aviv, this Israeli beauty is intelligent, articulate, outgoing, and charismatic. and  always full of charm and grace whatever the occasion or locale. .

“My life is way more exciting and full of surprises since I began working with Penthouse as a Pet,” says Sin. “I’m proud of this honor and look forward to an exciting year representing the brand throughout the world. . I’ve been traveling nonstop around the world, doing photo shoots and appearing at conventions and clubs. Of course, I’m loving every minute!”


Layla Sin will begin her world tour in May. The May issue will be available on Newsstands on April 28th. Check for more information and for a schedule of upcoming events.

Penthouse, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2015, was founded in England by Bob Guccione in 1965 and brought to the States in 1969, the first issue of American PENTHOUSE sold out in a matter of days. England’s controversial magazine of beautiful women, intelligent journalism and intimate revelations had arrived.

The covers of PENTHOUSE Magazine include celebrities and beautiful, art-inspired photography which chronicle the libido of a changing nation and the pop culture which helped shape it.

Made famous worldwide for its fearless approach to sexuality and its unabashed support of those rebelling from the norm and defining their own identity, Penthouse stands as the greatest men’s brand in history.

PENTHOUSE ~ “Enjoy the view.”

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