Porn Initiative ‘Degrades Our Work’ #RemoveWeinstein

Jul 1, 2016
Adult Business News
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Even on what is shaping up to be an insanely long list of ballot measures facing California voters in November, this one stands out: a proposal that could change the course of California’s multibillion-dollar porn industry.

The Safer Sex in Adult Film Act was submitted by Michael Weinstein, president of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, and would allow any state resident to file a complaint with the state’s workplace safety watchdog if they don’t see a condom in a porn production. If the agency doesn’t pursue the complaint, that person can sue anyone with a financial stake in the production, including performers.

Both the state Republican and Democratic parties have come out against the measure, as have several AIDS/HIV groups and LGBT advocates. They fear the measure would expose performers to harassment by divulging their names and addresses in court documents.

Mia Li is an adult film performer and activist who lives in Hillcrest. I asked her about how the measure might impact her and what broader effects it might have.

AHF has stood to its ground in the face of mounting opposition. Do you feel like they understand the nuances of what this would do to the adult industry?

Michael Weinstein and the AIDS Healthcare Foundation say they are speaking on behalf of performers and their welfare. That is such a Trojan horse. The title, Safer Sex in Adult Film, sounds like they’re looking out for us, it seems like a no-brainer. But when you look at the nitty gritty, there’s so much that creates risk, there’s so much that makes it harder to navigate an already difficult industry to navigate. There will be companies that go underground, which will only make it more likely for performers to become victims. There will be a financial incentive for the people who file the lawsuits.

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