As some of you may or may not know, a few nights ago some LA based talent held a meeting to discuss certain things in the industry. If anyone knows how many showed and how the meeting went please comment…
Copy of email
Hi Everyone,
As you may have heard, January Seraph and I, along with other interested professionals, are exploring the possible formation of an Adult Performers Association. The Association would be dedicated to the specific needs and concerns of Adult Industry Performers.
This Association is not an attempt to “take power,” or “dictate policy,” to the industry, but rather to provide help, information, and resources for Adult Industry Performers, and to promote discussion, debate and education regarding the topics and issues affecting adult talent today.
However, do we hope to have influence in our community, industry and media to improve quality of life for Adult Performers? Of course we do!
Despite the efforts of a few to present our efforts as malignant, misinformed, or as a “need for attention,” this Association is NOT intended to “rival” FSC in their efforts. Rather, it is to raise questions and discuss and debate issues openly on behalf of Adult Performers, and to work in their best interests. This is not a dictatorship – it is an Association where your voice counts, and will be heard.
There is no financial motive associated with this group or its founding members. As most of you know, I am a director and rarely perform, and my concern for performers is authentic and sincere. Integrity is our highest value and one we are committed to maintain at all costs.
We are NOT “anti-APHSS” or “anti-FSC.” We simply feel that the more dialogue, discussion, analysis and debate regarding how to structure our health and safety for the future, the better.
Freedom of speech, freedom of choice, freedom to receive accurate information and make your own decisions about what is best for YOU is what we aim to promote.
Please read the attached materials discussing topics we hope to address (additional suggestions and feedback are most welcome), along with a “FAQ” sheet.
Email me with any additional questions or concerns, any time. I will do my best to get back to you in a timely manner!
Thank you for your interest!
Pointless. Performers on top don’t need it, and the ones on the bottom are to unreliable, drug addled and mental to keep it together.
[…] LMAO, Hmm seems anti to me..Heres a women, Nica, who says shes pro worker, but yet refuses to hire anyone who has any affiliation to LIB..Seems anti to me, now shes started pressuring performers into not associating with adult wiki media, Luke is back, or Michael Whiteacre…Anyone who does is at risk of not getting work from Nica..Wow, really..? When Nicca first had her performers meeting who was the only person with traffic to post it..ME, even thou she trashed me, and my friends i thought the talent pool coming together was a great idea.. […]