Remy LaCroix Shares the Secret to a Great Time With Any Girl

Jun 12, 2015
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remy lacroix

Get Your Advice From the Best With the Superstar’s New Blog Posting

VENICE, CA – Remy LaCroix’s new website,, is one of the industry’s most interesting and it’s not only the photos by Richard Avery (though they are great!), there is also the opportunity to get in touch with the beauty’s mind through her blog.

remy lacroix

One of her most recent, titled “The 2 O’Clock Spot,” is full of fantastic information and even secrets. You know you’re getting somewhere when a woman opens up with the admission that “Pussies are complicated.” They are! And those who love them can often use all the advice they can get.

Who hasn’t wondered just where that secret spot is at? No one with a modicum of curiosity nor any seeker of pleasure in the history of the world! And the headline gives it away – the key is at 2 o’clock. And that’s not on your Apple Watch, friends, that’s on every girl’s pussy.

“I tried it on my friends, and sure enough, it is true,” Remy writes. “When I’m making love to a girl, I’ll tease her lips with my tongue, making wet little circles. Then I’ll plunge my flat, soft, wet tongue on that spot and instantly she moans. Every. Fucking. Time. Porn is really good practice, and only proves me right: there are so many different pussies, so many different sexualities, and still, the theory holds up.”

For the rest of Remy’s secrets go to

This week Elegant Angel releases a hot new comp this week, The Best of Elegant Angel, and with a title like that you know Remy is going to have one of her hottest shoots in there, so look for that one.

Follow Remy LaCroix on Twitter @remymeow and Instragram (ugottabekittenme). For everything Remy go to

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