REVEALED: Patrick Stone, AHF’s Unlikely New Weapon Against Porn

Mar 31, 2014
Adult Business News
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The limpest performer in history has a new gig, and if you trust a word out of this guy’s mouth, you must be Stoned

Report by Michael Whiteacre

Remember the name Patrick Stone?

He’s the guy who appeared at an AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) press conference alongside Cameron Bay, Rod Daily, Derrick Burts and Darren James on September 18th of last year.

Darren James, Derrick Burts, Patrick Stone, Michael Weinstein, Rod Daily and Cameron Bay

Darren James, Derrick Burts, Patrick Stone, Michael Weinstein, Rod Daily & Cameron Bay

Out of all Michael Weinstein’s speakers that day, Stone stood alone as the sole HIV-negative performer — Stone had recently been given a ‘false positive’ HIV test result.

Seeing as how Stone hadn’t officially earned AHF ‘Fifth Beatle’ status, why was he there?

A careful reading of Mike South’s pro-AHF/anti-Porn Valley gossip site over the past few months reveals the answer.

Stone is the so-called “Former employee” South references who has filed Cal/OSHA complaints (with the assistance of AHF), and whose redacted lab test results are liberally sprinkled into South’s rants against adult industry testing protocols. 

With AB 1576, the new mandatory condoms in porn plus bill from Isadore Halll (D-AHF), working its way through Sacramento, Stone’s “leaks” to Mike South have made for a steady stream of AHF propaganda.


But first, a bit of history:

In the fall of 2010, after returning from a trip to Florida where he shot some gay porn (with condoms), Derrick Burts tested positive for HIV at the AIM Healthcare Foundation clinic in California.

After he found his way into the arms of AHF, Burts was trotted out to meet the media at a press conference, and then given an attorney (AHF counsel Brian Chase, working pro bono) so he could join in AHF’s campaign to destroy AIM (and with it, the adult industry’s testing protocols and test result verification system). Burts was also enlisted to help the group push for new regulations on adult production.

Lastly, AHF also introduced Burts to officials at Cal/OSHA, so he could provide them information to use against adult producers.

From: Michael Weinstein
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 1:53 PM
To: Gold, Deborah@DIR; Brian Chase
Cc: Martin, Amy@DIR
Subject: RE: contact with Derrick Burts

Hi Deborah – I have sent along your email to Derrick. Hopefully, he will get in touch with you shortly.

Ultimately, Burts filed Cal/OSHA complaints against several adult production companies for whom he had worked as a performer.

And now comes AHF’s Derrick Burts redux: Patrick Stone

No Hard Feelings

Spotlight on Patrick Stone

Patrick Stone, in the media spotlight

Patrick Stone applied to work for Kink around May of 2013.  Yes, he applied — it wasn’t as though Kink was canvasing talent agencies looking for a “Patrick Stone type”.

There’s a page on the website where aspiring performers/models can apply for work. Kink’s “Shooting Rules” and “Model Rights” pages, including references to STD testing, are linked within.

Stone applied, and was invited to an in-person open casting call for potential local male amateur talent in early June. After Stone submitted photos of himself to complete his application, Kink booked Stone as an “extra” model for a Public Disgrace scene starring Allie James. The scene was shot on June 20, 2013 at Sub-Mission, on Mission Street in San Francisco. Stone showed up, was authorized to work based upon having PASS system negative STD test results within the last 28 days , and was permitted to participate in the scene.

For most of the scene Stone stays in the background looking uncomfortable.

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Standing around


Finally, he gets his moment…

Allie James tries and tries…

Trying 1

and tries and tries…

Trying 2

To no avail.

We can’t show you the graphic screenshots, but suffice it to say that even after performing oral sex on him, Stone is still a limp noodle. He is then slowly pulled out of frame, never to be seen again.

Screen Shot 2014-03-19 at 7.38.17 PM

The Man Who Wasn’t There

Apparently there were no hard feelings, because Kink re-booked Stone as a last-minute replacement on a June 28th shoot — this time for its gay sex and bondage line, Bound In Public.

The scene, set in a San Francisco sex shop, and released as Bound In Public #32675, starred Silas O’Hara, Jay Cloud, Andrew Fitch and several audience members.

However, Patrick Stone was a no-show for the shoot.


In August, Stone was offered yet another shoot for Bound In Public, this time opposite Dayton O’Connor, Connor Maguire and Isaac Hardy.

And here’s where the story gets really interesting…


This is an excerpt from a document we found sitting in the TRPWL fax machine late one night, a letter from Mr. Stone addressed to a number of state agencies complaining about his experiences at Kink:

Claim about August 9 shoot“Plaintiff” in this instance means “Patrick Stone”.

Stone claims he was so horrified by the “unsafe work environment” on Kink’s set, which included “sexual contact” among people Stone claims were “untested”.

This strikes us as odd, since the scene in question was a CONDOM shoot, and Stone’s friends at AHF say all they want is condoms for vaginal and anal penetration.

Kink founder Peter Acworth explains Kink’s procedures for shooting gay content:

In gay shoots, performers with HIV are allowed to shoot as long as they use a condom. is condom-mandatory and testing optional for such shoots. This has been standard policy for over two decades in most gay production companies. Any performer can request tests for his partners in order to make an informed decision.

Maybe that wasn’t up to Stone’s standards… Patrick Stone sounds like a guy who’s really concerned with health and safety. He notes that people were drinking alcoholic beverages — oh my, he sounds rather prim and proper. He doesn’t sound like a risk taker, that’s for sure.


What do we know about Patrick Stone’s background?

Well, let’s see… based on his own representations, and test results he provided, we know that Patrick Stone was HIV negative as of his shoot for Kink.

We also know that he started out in gay porn — meaning Stone shot scenes with men from a talent pool where there is no systematic universal testing of its members.

Well, maybe Patrick Stone only performed in scenes where condoms were used?

Nope.  Patrick Stone performed in gay bareback porn.

Here’s a sampling:

The Best Part Of Waking Up Is… Cuming in His Butt (2010) by Factory Video Productions (recently cited by Cal/OSHA following an AHF complaInt)

Some Like It Raw (2010) Factory Video Productions

The graphic screenshots of scene 3 (and cover) confirm that Stone was the bottom.

Patrick Stone in the bareback movie, Interbreeders

Interbreeders (2010)  Raw Riders Studios// Dark Alley International

The description reads “Raw Riders welcomes you back to the Breeding Grounds. Meet our sporty white bottom whores, hungry for gargantuan black cock, and determined to get it. We’ve collected four of the finest dark skinned studs, eager to splatter their seed deep inside some premium white tail. The hung thugs are primed to pound our willing bottom sluts harder than they’ve ever been before.”

So, a guy who’s HIV-negative shoots a bunch of bareback gay titles — including anal creampies. Hmmm, well maybe Stone used Mike South’s special STD ESP to determine his scene partners were all disease-free?

Wait — no, let’s give Stone the benefit of the doubt here… Maybe Stone was expressing a fear of “untested” members of the general public in that claim about Kink’s August 9th shoot. Perhaps his issue is with the general public, not performers. I mean, Patrick Stone might be so health-conscious that he would never have sex with untested members of the public — right?

Patrick Stone Escort Ad - Men4RentNow

Click to enlarge

Patrick Stone Escort Ad 2 part 1 Patrick Stone Escort Ad 2 part 2

Okay, so, that’s a little odd. But you know what else is puzzling?  The phrasing of that paragraph in the document excerpted above…

Stone “attended the scene at an unknown bar in San Francisco.” An unknown bar? Doesn’t he know where he was? Even if he had been blindfolded and taken to a secret location, wouldn’t he have figured out where he was when he left the shoot?

With a little digging, we uncovered something even more startling:


According to sources at Kink who were present at the shoot, the shoot’s call time was 5:00 pm. Stone texted the talent booker shortly after that to say he was running late.

The talent booker acknowledged this, said it would be all right, and the two texted a few more times.

Later that night, after the shoot was over (or nearly over), Stone texted again, apologizing for not having been able to make it.

TRPWL has reviewed the scene in question, and we could not spot Patrick Stone anywhere in it. Below, are screenshots from the August 9 shoot that indicate there was no Patrick Stone in sight.

bound-in-public-isaac-hardy-connor-maguire-and-dayton-o-connor-002 Screen Shot 2014-03-30 at 9.03.18 AM

Here’s another interesting thing about Patrick Stone — for all his supposed concern about health, he sure hasn’t been looking so hot lately.

I mean, here he is in a 2011 Georgia mug shot…

AHF's Patrick Stone--  mugshot

…and here he is at last summer’s AHF press conference, less than two years later…

Patrick Stone speaks at AHF press conference


Next time, we will report on how Stone figures in the hearings over AB 1576, the new mandatory condoms plus bill from Isadore Halll (D-AHF), in Sacramento….


This report would not have been possible without the invaluable contributions of Dr. Cindi Spiegler

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[…] With AB1576, the new mandatory condoms in porn plus bill from Isadore Halll (D-AHF), working its way through Sacramento, Stone’s “leaks” to Mike South have made for a steady …read more     […]

REVEALED: Patrick Stone, AHF’s Unlikely New Weapon Against Porn | The Rob Black Website
10 years ago

[…] REVEALED: Patrick Stone, AHF’s Unlikely New Weapon Against Porn […]

Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
10 years ago

Interesting how AHF trolls for fringe performers who have either never really worked in porn, haven’t done so in ages or did so under circumstances very different from those they describe in AHF’s dog-and-pony shows. Thus far, AHF has failed to recruit a single active-duty performer who continues to work regularly under the PASS system. But, of course, that doesn’t prevent them from planting ringers on sets to generate OSHA complaints. Being much more familiar than I’d prefer with AHF’s tactics, I’d say this whole story is pretty typical of how they operate. Here’s a message to them: No good… Read more »

Jamie Gardner
10 years ago

Mike South has been criticized recently by some of his own commenters about his standards of testing. He has lost crediblity with at least some of the people who seemed to believe he was some moral authority. The first time that Jimmy Swaggert was revealed to have been with a prostitute, he lost half his following. The second incident had a much bigger impact on Swaggert’s popularity. If other people come forword, who have negative experiences on South’s sets, South’s following will continue to decline. I hope that Michael Weinsteins credibility will keep falling like South’s credibility. Tim Tritch has… Read more »


[…] On the AHF side is Mr. False Positive, Patrick Stone… […]


[…] the most remarkable part of Stone’s story was that he claimed to have been present at an August 9, 2013 Bound in Public shoot for that he, in fact, never attended, thus earning the nickname, “The Man Who […]


[…] one of the people AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) used in their latest failed attempt at pushing mandatory condoms on porn, AB 1576. He filed a false complaint with governmental agencies that asserted he was present on a […]


[…] Patrick Stone, advertised escort services for men and appeared in numerous bareback gay porn titles in which he was the bottom. Under South’s standard, it would be difficult to call him […]

9 years ago

I am a former XXX Performer who got out in 1999. Today I ran across the AHF Press Conference on YouTUBE of the 4-5 HIV “Victims” and I saw Patrick Stone. Now I knew he looked familiar, But I was still trying to place him. Then the arm tattoo. Then I remembered that I saw him on this greasy website “Like ‘Em Straight” where I got the same feeling that I knew this guy and low and behold he was from ATLANTA. Then I figured out where I knew him from. When I came back to Atlanta Edward James from… Read more » - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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