Scam Union Founder & Prop60 Supporter Phyllisha Anne Now Claims She Doesn’t Support Prop60

Sep 28, 2016
Adult Business News
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After  being up all night drugged out of her mind, Union founder Phyllisha Anne publicly tweeted she doesn’t support Prop60:


This tweet was sent out in the middle of a one sided Sean & Quasar vs Phyllisha Anne bashing session so maybe she didn’t mean it..Lets look at the evidence.

In emails with AHF’s Adam Cohen, Union founder/felon Phyllisha Anne tells Adam she along with the Union will stand with AHF and OSHA in regards to Prop60, even as going as far as to ask for money for “legal fees” in case it goes south on her.

After getting the money, Phyllisha Ann, without the legal authority to do so, signed on in favor AHF’s prop60 rebuttal.

After illegally signing on to AHFs Prop60, a Judge had to have her signature removed. It was her SUPPORT for Prop60 that pretty much destroyed what little momentum the scam union had..

After the Union disintegrated due to her Pro Prop60 stance, Phyllisha then tried to publicly insinuate there was a POZ performer test over at TTS in yet another failed attempt to garner prop60 support.

Looking at her twitter timelines, you see no #NoProp60 re-tweets, but you do see her re-tweeting the AHF Condoms in porn account, both tweets in support of prop60.

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The Union also has an undying love for Pro Prop60 supporter Mike South, even worse, for some weird reason hates me. Yea, im totally likable.

And yesterday in what can only be described as the worst podcast ever, Phyllisha once again promoted Prop60..  This hour and five minute podcast was so bad, you can only hear half of it, there is at least 30 mins of dead air.

Podcast review, Union hates me, Kerns, and the FSC..

Phyllisha likened performers to cats, you cant herd cats she said, but if you give them something they want they will come to you.

Asshat William Margold told PA that he would support her even is she took money from AHF..

Strippers should be taken care of after they stop stripping. Cuz they have no other skills according to PA.

The only people who called in where PA’s buddies from Portland.

PA was mad that I dont attack anyone else, to which I reply to her here, I only attack people that are ProProp60 or a threat to freedom of speech..

The worst part of Phyllisha Ann’s whole attitude, not just on her podcast, but in her tweets and writings, is she truly thinks that most people in porn are to stupid to think for themselves. That porn people will now think she’s all the sudden no prop60 and give her money..



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