The SDR Show Welcomes Porn Star Turned Pop Artist Dani Daniels Tonight at 9pm EST

Aug 28, 2017
Press Release
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Popular New York City podcast, The SDR Show, hosted by radio personality Ralph Sutton and comedian Big Jay Oakerson welcomes porn star turned pop artist Dani Daniels live, in-studio at 9pm EST/6pm PST.

“She’s been requested like crazy lately on the show and we are thrilled she is coming in tonight,” says Ralph Sutton. “The super-hot Dani Daniels aka Kira Lee, a porn star who has successfully crossed over into another career, I’m glad I’ve already seen her naked.”  

Dani Daniels is now a successful artist living in New York City creating art of her favorite classic rock and pop icons under the name Kira Lee and fans can catch up with her upcoming shows and new pieces on and you can follow her on Twitter at

“I love the idea of creating something with another connected thing. Using theories to outline horn rimmed glasses. Song lyrics twisted and turned into locks of hair. Heart-aching poems carved into crow’s feet,” she says in her artist’s statement. “Culture defining philosophies stitched into a silk robe. Gathering these beautiful writings and celebrating them collectively with something as dynamic as the Artists portrait. Doing this gives me great pleasure and happiness. I hope the world sees my artwork and feels the same way.”

Fans may also follow her on website and on Twitter at

The SDR Show is live tonight on and for both the audio and visual on, and the podcast comes out Friday morning on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify and IHeartRadio.

The SDR Show may be followed on and, on Twitter at and To follow Big Jay Oakerson, go to; to follow Ralph Sutton, go to

About The SDR Show:

The SDR Show (short for Sex, Drugs and Rock-N-Roll) delivers everything its name implies: featuring candid interviews with some of the world’s most interesting characters, from Top 10 Billboard artists such as Living Colour, Gene Simmons, Dee Snider and Tesla to internationally acclaimed porn stars like Lisa Ann, Kendra Sunderland and Jessa Rhodes. The show is hosted by rock radio personality Ralph Sutton and comedian Big Jay Oakerson. From superstar DJs to world-renowned authors, comedians and celebrities, podcasting has become a mainstay in today’s entertainment industry, and in such a saturated digital market, creating a show that makes the charts and catches attention from the onset is almost unheard of. Combining three of America’s hottest topics, The SDR Show has picked up a momentum that usually requires months of heavy promotion, making a name for itself by going where few dare to tread – completely uncensored and thoroughly satisfying. For more information, visit

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