Shelley Lubben Is Looking For A Christian On Craigslist

Jul 5, 2013
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Shelley Lubben Is Looking For A Christian On Craigslist

TRPWL does what it can to help in this slowing economy. Check out this great new gig posted recently on Craigslist:


Shelley Lubben Is Looking For A Christian On Craigslist

Craigslist 2

It’s a pretty good ad but she left a few things out:

Applicants must also have a valid driver’s license as you will be Shelley’s official designated driver.

Applicants should have a experience in vandalism as well. You never know when God will tell you to deface public property.

Applicants must not like porn but be able to research it for hours everyday. The Pink Cross Foundation has a strict no boner policy. Shelley Lubben is the only one allowed to have a boner.

Applicants must be willing to accept payment under the table

Applicants must be able to fail a drug test. The Pink Cross believes in dependency. Shelley is counting on the new hire to bring the good stuff.

Applicants must have some sort of weapons training as Mrs. Lubben likes to get drunk and swing a 8ft wooden staff around while she screams at the mayor.

Applicants must be willing to donate part of their under the table pay to Shelley’s buy a dick fund.

Applicants that are pre law move to the front as Mrs. Lubben will most likely get indicted.

Applicants must give Shelley Lubben a key to their house or Apt.

Applicants must be able to take intense scrutiny from the FBI, DEA, IRS and TRPWL.

Upon learning the truth about The Pink Cross and Shelley Lubben, applicants are forbidden to go public or talk to Michael Whiteacre.

Shelley Lubben will use the key you gave her to make entry into your residence and force you to join her in a board meeting/ prayer circle



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Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago

I don’t know where to begin with this ad… Obviously, Lubben seeks to combat the revealing of the ugly truth about her sham non-profit. What really gets me is: “I am a very public figure so I would also need someone who is discreet.” This is jaw-dropping coming from Lubben, who is someone that blasts other people’s personal info all over the internet, and/or rats them out to their family, when she gets angry at them. Also, as our friend KT notes over at the Truth About Pink Cross Foundation page on Facebook, the ad highlights her delusional vanity and… Read more »

Fake Shelley Lubben
Fake Shelley Lubben
11 years ago

Geez, I don’t even remember writing that ad. I was loaded!

But yes, it’s true, I have over 100 social media accounts, including the sock puppet accounts such as “justaxxxguy” that I use to troll porn sites and leave comments attacking my enemies.

I should’ve mentioned in the job description that applicants must be willing to troll Michael Whiteacre (the Jewish Treasure) and Sean Tompkins of TheRealPornWikiLeaks… They’ll get a great letter of recommendation for doing that…

11 years ago

Sean, you forgot a couple of things. Must babysit her children and husband. Also must be willing to lick Shelley’s nasty herpes and crab infested pussy as well as fuck her with a dick/dildo any time, anywhere.

Fake Shelley Lubben
Fake Shelley Lubben
11 years ago
Reply to  mharris127

No extra pay, but they’ll get a REALLY good letter of recommendation if they do that.

Fake Shelley Lubben
Fake Shelley Lubben
11 years ago
Reply to  TRPWL

Oh, yeah, I meant to say that. Whoops…

Sean, you’re a demon-possessed friend of a Satanically-inspired, known atheist, Jewish treasure, so I’m afraid you’re out of the running 🙁

Imposter Foster
11 years ago

Is Garrett caucasian? If so I’m going to apply.

Fake Shelley Lubben
Fake Shelley Lubben
11 years ago

Keep your wine-stained hands off my bald-headed cuckold!

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago

When one posts an advert seeking discretion, typically one does NOT include one’s picture and identity in the ad. LOL

Her picture and links to her websites lie at the heart of what’s wrong with the ad (and with Lubben): this represents yet another exercise in narcissism and poor judgment. She cannot resist the compulsion to use a job advert to do what no respectable media outlet the planet will do: proclaim Shelley Lubben to be an important public figure worthy of admiration and deserving of special consideration.

11 years ago

that’s crazy. i wonder if she will make them sign a non-disclosure contract? you know — like real celebrities require security, nannies, domestic staff, etc. to sign.

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago
Reply to  wit

There can be enforceability issues with NDAs, as a matter of public policy, when the person seeking to enforce it is attempting to evade criminal prosecution. They’re broadly used to maintain privacy as to internal “goings on”, but are best utilized to protect trade secrets, or to maintain people’s anonymity.

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago

Regarding the bottom photo of “Ex Porn Stars” — Morgan never appeared in any movies. Lubben claims she “rescued” Morgan from porn, but when pressed clarified that Morgan says she didn’t get into porn because she found Lubben’s anti-porn propaganda LOL.

The fellow 2nd from the left is Sal Mckvey. He’ll be the subject of a feature soon, but suffice to say in the past he has demonstrated a little problem with truth and reality. He claims to have appeared in porn scenes, but no one can find any.

Jennah’s background is also unclear.

Alice Wonder
Alice Wonder
10 years ago

“Applicants must be willing to accept payment under the table”

How am I suppose to receive payment under the table if I can’t have a boner? - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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