Spitzer call girl: Assistant DA was my pimp

Jan 4, 2014
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After hooking for the city’s two most famous madams, turncoat call girl Rebecca Woodard says she suddenly found herself with a new pimp — the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office.

The pricey prostitute claims in her new tell-all tome that prosecutors forced her to continue to turn tricks after she agreed to wear a wire to help snare “Hockey Mom Madam” Anna Gristina in 2008.

Rebecca Woodward, who penned a tell-all as Rebecca Kade, says an assistant to ex-DA Robert Morgenthau (inset) had her continue to work illegally as a hooker to gather evidence. The former call girl says she doesn't believe Morgenthau knew of the alleged goings-on.

Rebecca Woodward, who penned a tell-all as Rebecca Kade, says an assistant to ex-DA Robert Morgenthau (inset) had her continue to work illegally as a hooker to gather evidence. The former call girl says she doesn’t believe Morgenthau knew of the alleged goings-on.

“They wanted me to keep breaking the law so they could get more information,” writes Woodard, 37, who also detailed her rough sex-for-hire with disgraced ex-Gov. Eliot Spitzer.

“They encouraged me to keep working for Anna as a call girl,” she writes of her covert gig. “It was like sex slavery at the behest of the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office.

“The ADA told me to work in order to garner information for him and then turn over to his office the money and any gifts that clients gave me. I actually did this,” she writes.

“Technically, this ADA was my pimp.”

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11 years ago

Nothing new about this. The illegal status of sex-workers makes them vulnerable to being blackmailed into working as C.I.s (not to mention giving compulsory BJs in the back seats of patrol cars) for law enforcement, often at great peril to themselves. If they get hurt or killed, well, they were just whores anyway as far as the DA is concerned. And if they try to get out of the life their handlers discourage them. If they end up testifying in court, as in this case, it outs them to the world, makes it Impossible for them to earn a living… Read more »

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