Study: Religious people more likely to think they’re addicted to porn than their secular peers

May 20, 2014
Porn & Sex Worker Studies
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In a forthcoming article in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, Grubbs and colleagues found that people who are more religious are more likely to say that they are addicted to pornography.

Religious people were less likely to acknowledge pornography use, but among those who admitted to viewing pornography, religious people did not view pornography more, or less, than the non-religious.

However, religious people were more likely to think they are addicted to internet pornography.

Study: religious people more likely to think they're addicted to porn than their secular peers


Rather than trying to find an objective definition for addiction to internet pornography, Grubbs and colleagues were primarily interested in perceived addiction and allowed the respondents to self-diagnose. Because sexual addiction is hard to define, if it even exists in any form similar to more physiological forms of addiction, the researchers simply asked respondents whether they considered their use of pornography to be compulsive or addictive.

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