Talent Tries To Use Fake Test For Reality Kings Shoot- Part 1

Aug 6, 2015
Adult Business News
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This an email send by Derek Hay from LA Direct to the other talent agencies..I will follow up later today with the models story well as the tests in question..

Licensed Agents, I feel it is the right and proper thing to inform you,

Re: Model – Kristina Bell

Today, We had a model who, had informed us that she had tested and sent us the test couple of days ago, which Veronica from my office forwarded to Gianna at RK, in readiness for her shoot today with RK, Kristina did not take her test with her to set this morning – which she knows she is supposed to do, (in retrospect this is fortuitous maybe).

Gianna who had been sent the test, was not yet at set when models and some production staff had arrived and her test and ID’s were requested from her, So Opie called Veronica to get the test again and instead of Veronica sending the test again from the one received by us from Kristina, she went to pull it from TTS website, which she frequently does, It could not be found, So she called TTS, and they say they have no record of the test, Kristina is called and starts crying and making excuses, and then said ‘she never tested’, Without her actually saying so – it becomes obvious this could be a fake test.

Kristina starts calling for a driver but we don’t send one, as we want to get to the bottom of this, Kristina calls an Uber and leaves the set, Sixto calls me from Africa, We discuss the situation and after review, he confirms the test is faked.

In case anyone is not clear – she did not shoot, Direct Models terminates her from the agency with immediate effect and informs her of same, TTS bans her for life from testing with them, – Kristina is informed of this also, If anyone wishes to call me or E-mail me for further information you are welcome to. I understand via a friend that Kristina intends to seek a new agent – whatever any of you choose to do – if your phone rings, is up to you, She is released from any and all contractual obligation with Direct Models, Thank you, Derek

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