Teacher’s lawsuit claims boss fired him because she disapproved of his ‘traditional family status’

Dec 28, 2013
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A married, heterosexual gym teacher at a tony Upper West Side private school was fired because his lesbian supervisor disapproved of his “traditional family status,” the canned teacher claims in a new Manhattan lawsuit.


Gregory Kenney, 50, taught gym at the Trinity School on W. 91st St. for 16 years before he was let go in June 2012.

Kenney, who lives with his wife and three young children in LI, says he was a well-liked employee at the elite institution that counts Truman Capote, Ivanka Trump and Eric Schneiderman as alumni, until a gay athletic director named Pat Krieger took over in 2009.

Krieger allegedly forced him to coach three sports, even though his contract only required him to join two teams, according to his reverse discrimination suit.

When he complained that the extra responsibilities interfered with his family obligations Krieger allegedly told him, “We all make choices,” the suit says.

After Kenney told Krieger that he couldn’t keep working nights and weekends, she reported him to the headmaster “while a single, female teacher faced no scrutiny when she refused to coach a third season.”

Kenney claims the allegedly biased athletic director “routinely favored other single, younger females without children and discriminated against [him] because of his gender, sexual orientation, ‘traditional family status,’ and age.”

A spokesman for Trinity did not immediately comment.

Fox News

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11 years ago

Boo-hoo-hoo for the poor, oppressed straight white male. All those other folks are just ruining his life because he’s a regular guy. He’s a victim of reverse discrimination. It’s everywhere out to take away His America.

Let him live one day in his life as a member of a truly oppressed and marginalized group, such as gay people, and see if he cares to make the switch permanent so he can get in on all the great things that go with that gig. I’ll bet whatever I’ve got on his answer.

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